UPDATE: Check out this handy guide to the Measures and Amendments

El Presidente
OBAMA – 333 Electoral (51% of Popular Vote)
McCAIN - 205 Electoral (45% of Popular Vote)

Queen of Congress

Stephanie might even beat him by more, I was being conservative on my numbers.

No Debate Senate Race

Dykstra might even close the gap a little on this one, depending on how much advertising he does. I think if Dykstra would have done more advertising and ignored the debate issue he could have beaten Johnson.

Measure 11
NO – 52%
YES – 48%

No matter which way this one goes, it will be painfully close.

Term Limits (J)
NO – 65% (Keep term limits)
YES – 35%
They tried to be sneaky with the ballot language on this one, just remember voting NO keeps term limits.

NO – 53%
YES – 47%
Though I support Yes on 10, I have a feeling it will go down in flames. Politicians and lawyers have thrown so much money behind the opposition (ironically what Measure 10 would stop) it will be hard for them to convince people otherwise. The advertising (though very misleading) on the vote No side has been very effective. You think the video lottery proponents are full of it, the Vote No side basically lied about every single positive aspect of this law. I have said from the beginning though it was too extensive and should have been scaled back, and I think it would have been more successful.

SCOTT H. – 55%
PHYLLIS H. – 45%
I think it will be hard to beat Scott’s incumbency and the fact he has been full-time campaigning for a month straight. I saw him on the campaign scooter the other day.

Both winning house seats. District 15 is heavily democratic and pro-choice, I just don’t see a Republican winning there.

Hal Wick will be beat Jerstad, don’t know by how much, but her kooky TV commercials will be the reason why. She would have been better off not doing them at all.

These are all the predictions I am going to make, they are the ones I have followed the closest.

By l3wis

11 thoughts on “South DaCola 2008 Election Predictions; UPDATED”
  1. Measure 10 will fail only because it’s too broad. Had they done it in pieces, most of it would pass.

  2. Exactly.

    I think it should have been simplified to only include the website and to stop NO-BID contracts with the state (in accordance with Federal Law).

  3. Interesting how you refer to “El Presidente”…considering all the giveaways to illegals that Obama wants to push on the rest of us.

    At least McCain has kind of seen the error of his ways when it came to his amnesty bill.

  4. Hey, ANON, McCain is going to loose. I suggest you go by a box of tissues for November 5th, my blog doesn’t soak up tears very well.

  5. How well does it soak up beer vomit? I imagine most of the contributors will be drinking heavily at watch parties.

  6. Well… I flipped a coin before I went into the polling place to decide which prez candidate got my vote. Obama won. Not that it will matter in the big picture.
    I also voted for Dykstra and Herseth-Sandlin.

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