On a Monday………..

Don’t know what to do with the upper layer of my mind.
You know, way up there where it gets foggy.
Perhaps I’ll split the clouds with a sharp pen,
then watch ink drops dance poems into focus………

Charles Luden • 10-1-12
at M. B. Haskett Delicatessen

2 Thoughts on “Poetry Club with Charles Luden

  1. Pathloss on October 5, 2012 at 10:57 am said:

    Reminds me of when I planned an antenna on the roof at Sears Tower (110 stories, Chicago). You must hook to a cable because there’s no perimeter wall. The cable is to long so it works for all the roof. It’s possible to be blown over the side then climb cable back to the roof. I viewed the top of planes approaching O’hare. Tops of clouds were below roof level.

  2. Combat veteran and hung from the Sears tower. Not to many people can put that on their resume 🙂

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