Will be re-broadcast on SD Public TV tommorrow (Sunday) at 1 PM.

Highlights from the debates are when Dr.(?) Backcracker Allen Unruh puts on his best Bill O’ Reilly of Abortion impression and Dena from Yes on 10 winks at us, and her opponent, ironically has to admit he is a paid lobbyist. (Surprised he isn’t working for the McLame campaign.)

2 Thoughts on “Debates on Measure 10 & 11

  1. Kelsey on November 1, 2008 at 8:34 pm said:

    …a paid lobbyist like Dena used to be?

  2. Trust me, that made me laugh too, but at least she was smart enough not to be registerd anymore unlike David. I find both sides hypocritical and ironic, I think that is why I voted yes on it. I opposed all the amendments, so I figured, WTF?

    Oh, I voted yes on 9 because it will never affect me.

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