Merry Christmas driveway scoopers of all!

The snowgate petitions will be turned in during a press conference on Tuesday (Nov 27) at Carnegie Hall at 1 PM.

This brings us to the next step in the process, the SF city council calling the election. I will keep you updated about the council times, etc.

All petitions are serial numbered, scanned and in electronic form ready to be utilized to encourage the citizens to participate in future work. These signatures were gathered in less than 10 weeks, by over 50 volunteer petition circulators.

This is the gift-wrapped box that over 8,000 signatures will be delivered tomorrow in.

13 Thoughts on “SNOWGATES; On to Phase II

  1. Our city council pays heed to what the French aristocracy once said to it’s peasants.

    “Qu’ils mangent de la brioche”

    What at least three of our councilors will say about snowgates is…

    “Qu’ils mangent de la neige”

  2. Poly – No kidding there. It is a grand mystery how the rest of them will vote on an election. Next step though is validating the signatures.

  3. pathloss on November 26, 2012 at 11:37 am said:

    Huether will rally supporters against. The few in the front row and the computer generated crowd behind them.

  4. Analog Kid on November 26, 2012 at 2:35 pm said:

    I saw Huether the other day. With his malpractice in serving the families, residents and people who love this city he seemed to look a little embarrassed or shame as people recognized him.. But then I realized that was only my pity for him and he does not have or acknowledge these types of reasoning. Huether’s Hubris! (Good name for his restaurant!)

  5. He’s two-faced, one of the most irritating traits in a politician. He proved this with the Vishnu Bunny thingy.

  6. Testor15 on November 26, 2012 at 5:15 pm said:

    He has Romneyisa

  7. Testor 15, I think you hit the nail on the head.

  8. But by golly, he’s doing good things. He is.

  9. Johnny Roastbeef on November 27, 2012 at 8:47 am said:

    It’s like getting underwear for Christmas.

  10. You apartment dwellers need to STFU. You are ruining it for us homeowners 🙂

  11. Testor15 on November 28, 2012 at 9:03 am said:

    It was interesting to see how many snowbirds, apartment dwellers and renters who do not realize the need for snowgates. How often we hear the words “I don’t have to shovel, I live (gated street, apartment, Arizona, whatever)”

    Everyone in Sioux Falls will benefit from the snowgates. You may live in your own special place but you do cross streets, drive streets, use business driveways and generally want to live ’til tomorrow.

    Think of the extra hidden costs of doing anything when you live and work in Sioux Falls. The extra costs of have the business or apartment building driveways opened after the plows go by the 4th time in one day. How much does this add to your costs in rent or bottom line?

    How about the young woman we met this fall who lost her small car’s exhaust system when it was high centered on an ice mountain going into a business drive. When you are barely making it, you now have a life or death decision to make. Do I get the car fixed or eat? Do I get the car fixed so I can get to work? Do I get the car fixed or drive it with no exhaust in the winter getting sick or die from the fumes?

    Grow up Sioux Falls ‘leaders’ or is it grow a pair… Make the decision to vote in spring 2013 or allow the people to to help you to the doors.

  12. They did grow a pair, of ears, unfortunately there is nothing in between them.

  13. Testor15 on November 30, 2012 at 11:48 pm said:

    Great point, empty heads and empty balls…

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