21 Thoughts on “Slacker Moppet’s political trivia

  1. Ghost of Dude on November 4, 2008 at 11:51 am said:

    My own parents think he’s some sort of communist and my mom’s cousin sent her the “Obama is the Antichrist” e-mail.

    Why would anyone who is destined to rule the world to it’s destruction subject himself to the electoral process?

  2. Even if Obama was all of things that he has been accused of, he’s still not as scary as crazy people, and that is exactly what these people are that are making all these ridiculous claims.

  3. Angry Guy on November 4, 2008 at 12:13 pm said:

    My kid gave me the “Terrorist” argument that the plaintiff’s family was feeding him about a month ago. Once they unwired his jaw and he learned to say his S’s again, he said he was sorry.

  4. Well even Karl Rove said Obama is going to win (maybe he is trying to use reverse pyschology). I’m not too worried about the McCain voters freaking out, they are too lazy and stupid to do anything about an Obama presidency.

  5. What does concern me about McCain voters Lewis, is that even if Obama wins, we are still a country just under half-full of idiots. That doesn’t concern you?

  6. Angry Guy-
    Plaintiff. Nice!

  7. And Lewis, I’m pretty sure that the republicans say that so that Obama voters don’t feel the need to show up at the polls. They are dirty cockroaches and will say and do anything to win. Don’t let down your guard until it’s all said and done.

  8. I was talking about AFTER the election. All they will do is sit at Culvers and drink FREE coffee and bitch about the ‘black’ man in office and listen to RUSH L. until their ears bleed.

  9. I know, but my point is that we still have to share the country with all of them, and they consist of almost half the population. Sucks.

  10. Nah, just half the voters, and they are mostly old southerners and who will die soon and rich yuppies that I don’t associate myself with anyway.

  11. Ghost of Dude on November 4, 2008 at 1:25 pm said:

    Well even Karl Rove said Obama is going to win (maybe he is trying to use reverse pyschology). I’m not too worried about the McCain voters freaking out, they are too lazy and stupid to do anything about an Obama presidency.

    Karl Rove is probably the most intelligent political mind of our time, and has done his best to at least appear objective.
    The only reason he was a republican operative is because they paid himn to be one.
    Whenever he talks about the election and how things really work, I listen – he’s been on the inside of two dirty campaigns and knows what he’s talking about.

  12. His estimates are very close to mine – maybe I need to work for the Republican party – PUKE.

  13. hosepheffer on November 4, 2008 at 1:36 pm said:

    Karl Rove is a FELON and I am disappointed in your gushing remarks about him Dude.

  14. Ghost of Dude on November 4, 2008 at 1:38 pm said:

    You can be a felon and a genius at the same time, can’t you?

    Ever seen “Silence of the Lambs”?

  15. Angry Guy on November 4, 2008 at 2:13 pm said:

    Rove doesn’t remind me of “Silence”. What he’s done for this country more reminds me of another Jodi Foster movie. Specifically the pinball scene from The Accused where Jodi Foster represents the American people.

  16. You watch too many movies AG, I don’t know WTF you are talking about.

  17. Angry Guy on November 4, 2008 at 2:19 pm said:

    Use your Googles, “Jodi Foster + pinball” when you get home and out from under the thumb of the MAN.

  18. I second that Angry Guy….I watch a lot of flicks and that one even went over my head. But I’m sure you felt good saying it, the way Phillip Seymour Hoffman’s character in Happiness felt good when tell his prank call victim that he was going to “fuck her so hard that cum shoots out her ears.” Too far?

  19. Angry Guy on November 4, 2008 at 8:11 pm said:

    My point was this. In The Accused, Jodi Foster gets gang raped by a bunch of good ol’ boys, and then the whole situation is made to look like it was her fault. We, the people, elected W into office. After eight years of roofies and foggy mornings, the American people are ready for something other than KY rashes and the bad reputation we’ve gotten over the years for being a bunch of whores.

  20. tgrindadams on November 5, 2008 at 12:44 am said:

    I swear to god I NEVER *&^%ed George W. Bush, his dad, or Karl Rove.

    Can’t pin that one on me.

  21. Who would F’ck Karl Rove?

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