Rumor has it the Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce will be discussing how to combat the proposed initiative to lower the sales tax in 2010 in an upcoming meeting.

The signature gathering has been going good, but we are entering the cold months, and I will be honest with you, it may be difficult to hit our 5,500 signature goal.

My guess is that the Chamber will start a campaign to discourage Sioux Falls voters to sign the petition. Ignore this. Whether you agree or disagree, if this initiative gets on the ballot it will be historic. Why? It will be the first time voters get to vote on an initiative in Sioux Falls to lower their sales tax. What we are saying is let the voters decide not half of a special interest campaign funded city council and mayor.

A very smug and out of touch councilor Litz said in the SF City Council informational meeting on Monday that ‘good thing we raised the sales tax to pay for those arterial roads.’ Word is that the roads will be built before one foundation of a new development will be poured. Dumb. All this is about is expanding our boundries, which is silly and imperalistic.

It amazes me that the Chamber would be against this. The decrease would put $5 million dollars back into the small business’s pockets instead of special interests. You would think they would support it.

Who are they protecting? Their members or all of Sioux Falls business owners? Makes you wonder, doesn’t it?

By l3wis