And if that part didn’t make you die laughing, consider the first bullet point. Turning your neighbors into narcs. I wonder if they will be handing out free armbands for their ‘neighborhood volunteer code enforcement agents’

They seem to be a bit confused. Community service are things like snow removal, police protection, street repair, etc., etc. Harassing citizens because you don’t like the way their flower pots look and fining them isn’t exactly ‘community service’.

What planet are these people from? Geesh!

By l3wis

19 thoughts on “The city looks at violating constitutional property rights as ‘Community Service’”
  1. I remember being on an extended trip around Europe many years ago staying with families as I traveled. The hatred / animosity developed between formerly congenial neighbors because of the ‘narc on your neighbor programs’. No matter where the ‘problem’ arose from be it jealousy, personal life issues, alcoholism, or any of many other reasons it caused a great deal of mistrust amongst the neighbors.

    I remember a relative wanting a handgun to protect himself from the encroaching ‘state’ and neighbors. In Sweden they had actual neighborhood groups patrolling to report property improvements, potential political activity and many other direct channels to ‘authorities’. It was used to stifle the ‘trouble makers’.

    I remember reading Ayn Rand and George Orwell during this time period and being so thankful we did not have such committees to ruin our life in America. It appears we only had to wait a little longer.

    Those of us who are old enough, remember the county property tax accessors driving around ‘visiting’ friends / homes just to go back to the office with fresh taxing ideas. As I college student I remember getting one such visit. He never made it into the house. We had been warned to never let him in if he stopped.

    This is the height of big brotherism.

  2. Yeah – because social isolation = the ultimate environment for concepts liberty and freedom to thrive in. This is MY rock and you can’t get under it.

  3. Crazy city representatives. They’d be somewhat sane had they ever held down a real job. We’re going from set traps for the code enforcer to let’s all become code enforcement nazis. The city has no authority because courts do not accept their cases and they can’t put a lien on property. Why should we even pay attention. Troubling that they choose to disrupt peaceful neighborhoods. Protect, serve, and defend goes into the wind. Can neighborhoods secede from the city and incorporate on their own?

  4. Let’s try it if it’ll get the tough guy code enforcer terminated. He’s had hundreds of complaints. Time for him to go. Hayseed can go back to loading semi’s.

  5. Send out volunteer recruiters so we can return them with their pants tied to their ankles and underwear wedgys.

    How about 2013 goal:
    Return to democracy and citizen service.

  6. lewis – I’m just curious what you mean by “violating constitutional property rights”. Are you referring to the troubles the city has had in the past regarding a lack of appeals process, or are you thinking there is some other property issue at play here which is unconstitutional?

  7. I just received my Lil’ Cody Code Enforcer badge in the mail from Director Smith office this morning. I can’t wait to get started enforcing city code. Most of my neighbors got things going all wrong with their stuff, and I aim to fix them good. Let’s roll!

  8. Craig, The Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Seventh, and Eighth Amendments to the Constitution provide various protections for property rights. The Supreme Court has applied these protections to state governments through the Fourteenth Amendment.

    The city’s charter and ordinances when it comes to code enforcement have violated these rights several times.

  9. All of those amendments have one thing in common – a requirement for due process. City has authority so long as they adhere to the rules and are non-selective. In general, cities don’t enforce codes except on a “complaint basis” – so asking citizens to be aware of the codes and to complain of they see violations is a legitmate part of the due process approach.

  10. In the words of Serg. Schultz….”Ein seez nothing.”

    But on a serious note, the Euclid decision back in the 1920s unfortunately gave cities a blank check on zoning and enforcement. A few years ago, however, the SCOTUS did rein this blank check in a little bit with Nectow v. City of Cambridge. The burden for the city is to prove that the “flower plants” meets the standard of a public health, morals, safety, or welfare concern.

  11. DL: “Craig, The Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Seventh, and Eighth Amendments to the Constitution provide various protections for property rights. The Supreme Court has applied these protections to state governments through the Fourteenth Amendment.

    The city’s charter and ordinances when it comes to code enforcement have violated these rights several times.”

    I know the Constitution has several Amendments that pertain to property rights, I’m just curious specifically what you are referring to in this case. Is it the due process clause or something deeper?

    Because Code Enforcement in itself is in no way unconstitutional, nor is asking citizens to become involved in this process.

    Speaking of due process, has the city made any changes since the whole Daily debacle? I haven’t heard much lately, but it seems to me if they haven’t changed anything yet are still passing out violations, then each violation they send is basically worthless.

  12. I second it Craig, if you receive a threat from the liars in city hall’s code enforcement let them know they could use their fee suggestions for many other uses.

  13. Craig, funny you bring this up. I recently had a SF citizen tell me about how they worked with Code Enforcement to fix some things on their house. Then after they were in the clear, the city decided they still wanted to collect on the fines (for violations that were fixed), well guess what? They can’t. This person mentioned the ‘Daily Case’ to the city. They have not said a word to them since.

  14. There are places to use the fee suggestions that might clean their places we never want to see.

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