Theresa wanted me to drop this note, but I will admit, I am with her on this. The city employees have been working their butts off to make this city better after the storm. THANK YOU! This is why we pay taxes, PUBLIC SERVICES! First and Foremost!

By l3wis

17 thoughts on “Big T’s Thumbs Up!”
  1. THANK YOU! This is why we pay taxes, PUBLIC SERVICES! First and Foremost!

    This was a tough week for my wife and myself. We lost 4 full grown trees. Two of them were excellent shade trees that we took full advantage of over the years. But there was one we lost that hurt a lot. It was a tree our grandchildren planted for us 7 years ago in our front yard. It is now gone. All day yesterday we loaded branches on my pickup and my wife hauled them to the drop off at the fairgrounds. We kept what we could for future fire pit uses. This morning I took a load to the site at the fairgrounds. One city employee directed me where to go. When I got there 4 other full time city employees unloaded my branches in a sea of mud. It was a great service. So what is kind of an emotional time for us was made a little less painful by a group of guys who prolly had there own issues at home. Great job guys.

  2. “The aggregate happiness of the society, which is best promoted by the practice of a virtuous policy, is, or ought to be, the end of all government . . . .”

    George Washington

    “Sell not virtue to purchase wealth, nor Liberty to purchase power.”

    Benjamin Franklin

    “A nation as a society forms a moral person, and every member of it is personally responsible for his society.”

    Thomas Jefferson

  3. It was handled well. The storm hit in the worst way. Power was out to long. Power company must do infrastructure work. I just hope MMM doesn’t do his usual self-credit brag without praising those who did the work.

  4. This is why we pay taxes, for the common good.

    ???? Really!!!! And here I thought it was for soccer moms avoiding that drive to Omaha to see bieber.

  5. I was out this weekend cleaning up and decided to swing through the McKennan Park area to survey the damage. I saw linemen from various energy companies working their tails off to repair the damage and get power back on to people, and I saw dozens of city employees running loaders and trucks hauling away the trees.

    It looks like a war zone out there, but it didn’t stop these guys from working day and night to clean up. The truth is the city didn’t have to do this – but they decided it was the right thing to do, so kudos to them.

    Trees will grow back or they can be replaced. Power lines can be repaired. Roads are sweeped up. However the emotional damage of a storm lingers – and for the city to take this burden off of the hands of homeowners goes a long way towards repairing it. Of course it doesn’t hurt that neighbors are out helping neighbors and chainsaws are being loaned to those without.

    I’d also have to give credit to the retailers like Ace Hardware and Lewis who had loads of extra chainsaws and generators brought in to meet demand and they didn’t raise the regular price by a single penny even though people would have gladly paid for it.

  6. “The truth is the city didn’t have to do.”

    Well, they kinda did. If Huether would have announced that it was homeowners’ responsibility to take the branches to the drop off sites, he quite possibly would have become the most hated man in SF. The fact of the matter, this isn’t any different then Project NICE or TRIM, just on a larger scale. Like I said, I thank city employees for cleaning this up, but at the end of the day, we do pay their wages.

  7. Craig has a good point about the retailers. I stopped by Ace. They had plenty of ice melt & snow shovels. I noticed extra staff. These people had to brave the streets & leave their homes despite power loss & tree trouble. Thanks, to all.

  8. “Sell not virtue to purchase wealth, nor Liberty to purchase power.”
    Benjamin Franklin

    I hope Mike Huether and 5 councilors read this

  9. I’m surprised we didn’t see MMM on Tv sawing down trees or in a bucket directing power linemen.

  10. Oh come on now – it’s GWB who gets his relaxation out of cutting up brush – not the good mayor.

  11. As long as there are the daily press conferences that MMM gets to speak at everyday – I’m sure he’ll keep things running for several months

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