Just another Republican QUITTER

Here they go again, playing their little games. Resigning before their term is up so the governor can appoint a FAKE incumbent. This is beginning to get a little ridiculous;

South Dakota State Senator Mark Johnston is resigning. Governor Dennis Daugaard made the announcement Thursday morning.

Johnston has served as a state senator since 2011. He is resigning to accept a position with Sanford Health as Vice President of Health Policy.

Mark already works for Sanford and has been voting for their self-interests all along, how would this position change anything he has already been doing in the state legislature? This early resignation crap has got to end. I think if any politician resigns before their term is up there should be a special election not a governor’s hand picked crony.

By l3wis

12 thoughts on “Another SD Republican bails before finishing their term”
  1. One rumor is that he was given the promotion on the condition he would give up his leg. seat.
    So many questions and never any answers. Or perhaps the $5,000 salary increase for the legislators that was hidden in the last days of the session was not enough money for him.

  2. I wanna be state senator for half a year after there’s no work to do. It’ll look good on my resume. Does it come with a state flag and bumper sticker?

  3. I throw this out loosely and only in this case – but the Democrats ran Kent Alberty against Johnston. I don’t want Alberty on the school board – why would I want him as my representative (which this is my district)? He is a horse’s ass and that is being nice. If you’re not happy – find people to run and support them – but Kent Alberty definitely is not it.

    I don’t agree with everything that goes on “behind closed doors,” and I am certainly not a fan of people leaving in the middle of the term – but this is not a Republican thing. Let’s all remember the king of behind closed doors meetings is Sir Huether and let’s all remember that Darrin Smith is now making a nice six-figure tax paid salary after being elected for city council and then leaving during his term when we didn’t elect that dipwad as Mayor.

  4. Mr. E, you need to run.
    Run for school board, city council, or the legislatures.
    But sitting in the basement and just whining about this young Mr. Johnson fellow is just sitting in the basement whining about this young Mr. Johnson fellow. He ran. Now he’s leaving it open for you. I am just saying.

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