Another key employee is leaving the Pavilion, the curator. And as you can see, the Development Director’s job is still NOT listed.

As I started looking into the sudden Departure of the Development Director, I also heard rumors about similar trouble in the Visual Arts Center.

As of right now, I can’t really say what is going on with these recent departures (except that the curator did find another job on her own and is resigning by her own free will because of the new job). Also there hasn’t been any clear story presented to me, yet.

I am hoping Pavilion Management will present the public with a full disclosure about the recent departures.

I know some people think I am posting about this stuff because I have ‘it in for’ the Pavilion, but to tell you the truth, consider the Pavilion receives public subsidies, not just from the taxpayers of Sioux Falls, but from the state and the Federal Government.

There needs to be some explanations. SOON!

I also want to remind my readers if you have heard ‘similar’ rumors to please refrain from commenting on them here, please send me a personal email.

4 Thoughts on “More turnover at the Washington Pavilion

  1. So, what is your personal E-mail address.

  2. pathloss on June 2, 2013 at 8:23 pm said:

    The latest Pavilion promo is ‘Zeuss Falls’. Seeing them as a cartoon makes it easier to smile and accept another boarded up city sponsored enterprise. The county doesn’t make these mistakes. Perhaps it’s time to merge city & county into one common sense citizen oriented government. The combined city 330 mil & county 50 mil budgets would be administered with necessary emphasis on public service & welfare.

  3. hornguy on June 5, 2013 at 8:12 pm said:

    Um, when you have a city that spans two counties, which county would you propose trying to merge Sioux Falls into? And what will you do to the county that loses the majority of its tax base as a result of such a proposal?

    I mean, I get your point, but it’s ironic that you refer to your suggestion as common sense when it completely divorces itself from geographic reality.

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