This ranking doesn’t surprise me. (8th) We have low crime in SD, and that is partially attributed to our climate. Things are little more slow-paced here, and fluctuation in our economy doesn’t happen that much (because we are pretty much a low income state).

5 Thoughts on “I guess we got one thing going for us in SD. Quality of Life.

  1. pathloss on June 26, 2013 at 2:00 pm said:

    I like it here. It’s expensive to live on the coasts. Inland south is hot and has more homeless. Northwest is hippies and yuppies. People in the northeast are always angry because they’re crowded. Incomes here are low but quality of life is good. Once Sioux Falls becomes democracy of, by, and for the people this will be the place to be.

  2. Dave R on June 26, 2013 at 2:38 pm said:

    And we can have a chicken in every backyard!

  3. hornguy on June 26, 2013 at 3:01 pm said:

    Interesting to read through the weighting scheme that SQLI uses. South Dakota presumably scores well on some criteria that are heavily weighted – low state/local tax burden, unemployment rate, being a good state for business.

    Of course, as is often noted here by our host, the reason SD looks great in those areas is because wages are low. So it’s a nice ranking, but is it nice for reasons that we should want it to be?

    On the flip side, at least America can agree that living in the South blows.

  4. hornguy says….

    So it’s a nice ranking, but is it nice for reasons that we should want it to be?


    Thank you.

  5. . . . or a couple of chickens.

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