Ever since I got my I-Phone, I have been snapping pictures with it. I am amazed by the quality. Lighting is the key with digital photography, natural light is the best. Here’s some of my faves.

Over the Viaduct (okay, no natural light)

Fawick Park-Midland National Life Building-Slow moving vehicle

My ‘Bachelor Buttons’

DT Skyline

Mama Lada’s sign

Big Sioux on a Saturday Night, 6:30 PM

This is a combination of two photos I took at the same spot on Sunday.


By l3wis

9 thoughts on “Random Photog”
  1. As my kids told me when we got our I phones. “Welcome to the 21st century.” What kind did you get?

  2. Found any apps yet that really trip your trigger? My favorite that I use a lot is called “Runkeeper”. Not to worry. You don’t have to run. Tracks any activity. Running. Jogging. Biking. You name it. Kinda handy. MMM could use this to track his mileage from city hall to the front of kelo. Gotta be hundreds of miles a year on that one. (;

  3. What, no pictures of Soda Pop? You have a keen eye that finds sonething beautiful from sonething average. I’m buying a baby monitor for a gf (not the romantic kind) in her last trimester. Maury said I’m not the father. My last daughter was 23 years ago. It’s fun helping her find what she needs. Anyway, baby monitors are now wireless tilt/pan with night vision. Only $150 new or $80 used from ebay. I wanted a security camera for my front door. This is it for less than half the cost. Huether can send the code enforcer or police. It’s now 30 day dvr with smartphone monitoring. Watch out for punjy sticks & decapitation slicers. It’s a terrible state when police are more a threat than home invasion.

  4. I agree with you on the quality of the iPhone camera. It impresses me so much that I don’t even bother taking my Canon point & shoot with me anymore, and my DSLR only comes with me when I know I’m going somewhere specifically to take pictures.

    I’ve captured a lot of nice shots with the iPhone… and I love the fact they all go to my photostream automatically.

  5. It might help if we explained that Pathloss = Dan Daily = Zamby

    Reel it back in a bit Dan… you’re scaring the tourists.

  6. PL – I have had to delete several of your comments over the past few days. Enough with the police shooting and Hitler. We can all come on here and trash the city and the mayor, w/o threatening people with bodily harm. If you cannot refrain from that kind of commenting, I am going to ban you all together. I know what they put you through, it sucks. My suggestion is to write them all personal letters on how you feel about them instead of using my blog. I support your case, but ENOUGH with the black helicopter talk.

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