(Video: argusleader.com)

Click on video IMG_0165

Yesterday on the ‘100 Eyes’ show, City Planning Official, Jeff Schmitt was responding to a question about the city’s compatibility study and how it compares to the SE proposed development, He says, “We (the city) has no standards.”

We know Jeff, we know.

By l3wis

5 thoughts on “The Emperor has NO clothes, & the city has NO standards!”
  1. Standard. We don’t need no stinking standards. We will make it up as we go and damn those who don’t like it.

    I believe the payroll in the planning dept. is somewhere in the neighborhood of $600,00 a year and this is what we get.

  2. Where are all those heavy hitters out there supporting crazy development and defending it? They sure are quiet on this one. Oh…..ignorant me….. I know, their “shoe” is stuck in their mouth and they can’t get anything said. I’m just say’n, they didn’t come crawling out of the wormy woodwork on this one.

  3. There’s this retired Navy man with a nasty grey goatee that supports Walmart. They had him on the news the other night as the ‘expert’ on all things Pro-Walmart. I love how they had to mention he was retired Navy. What does that have to do with anything. Trust me, I try not to take enough from military lifers.

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