A 4-hour summit with Mayor Huether as the moderator, Chinese water torture or needles under my toenails? Hard decision.


On Monday, September 9, Sioux Falls Mayor Mike Huether will host the first “Mayor’s Big Sioux River Water Summit.” The summit allows the public to become more knowledgeable about the Big Sioux River, a critical natural resource.

Multiple presentations are scheduled including:

  • Water Quality
  • Water Resource and Conservation
  • Urban, Rural and Government Watershed Partnerships
  • Flood Control – FEMA
  • Fisheries and Recreation

A Q and A session with watershed professionals and stakeholders to listen to the publics concerns will be moderated by Gov. Huether.

The event takes place from 3 to 7 p.m. at the Orpheum Theater in Sioux Falls.

By l3wis

10 thoughts on “Sioux Falls River Summit?”
  1. I’ll be interested in hearing how they “frame” the 13th most impaired river in the U.S. (Source: Department of Natural Resources)

  2. And if you have ever taken a canoe down the river you already know it is an excellent place to throw old tires and scrap iron.

    Lets spend ass loads of cash on a couple hundred feet of the downtown river and screw the rest.

  3. Not sure if you noticed, but I copied the post from the original story that was on KELO’s site. Notice it says, Gov. Huether, they have since corrected it. This is the kind of peeps they have writing these stories.

  4. According to the Sunday Argus, it was a roaring success, with 1,000-2,000 people in attendance. As I commented on another site, I think it was the Argus facebook site, that there were probably several former paratransit riders that would have liked to attend, but didn’t have a way to get there after being disqualified from using the system anymore.

  5. Joan, you are talking about ‘Riverfest’ the above post is about a Summit at the Orpheum.

  6. Joan,

    That’s because we have our priorities you know, 36 million dollars for the entire River Greenway and 20 million dollars for a proposed indoor swimming pool.

  7. I wonder if down stream mayors will show up to sing the praises of Sioux Falls managing of the Big Sioux?

  8. scott – that is just it, it will be IMPOSSIBLE to clean a couple of miles of the Big Sioux in SF that has been polluted by runoff of hundreds of miles of farmland. The only way we could even have a teeny-weeny chance of cleaning the Big Poo is to build a dam with a filtering system, that would cost millions. Which brings me to my conspiracy theory about this summit. Someone said to me yesterday this summit is very ‘governor’ like. The mayor also didn’t include the council on this. I still think MMM is ‘considering’ a Governor’s run but hasn’t decided yet. He has yet to make a formal announcement about running for mayor.

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