Petition Circulators:  Please turn in all signatures that you have COLLECTED!

Notary’s will be present from 6 – 8 pm - PLEASE BRING YOUR PHOTO ID!

All Sioux Falls registered voters are encouraged to stop by to sign the official petition and show their support of smart growth in the city.

When: THURSDAY (8/28/13) from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Where: 7601 S Audie Ave (on the corner of 85th & Audie Avenue)


  1. carhart605 on August 28, 2013 at 1:40 pm said:

    I plan on stopping by Thursday night to sign. Thanks for the reminder!

  2. I hate to say this, but Thursday is the 29th, not the 28th. Too bad people can’t read a calendar.

  3. My fault, not their’s. I am a calendar moron.

  4. rufusx on August 28, 2013 at 6:42 pm said:

    I’ll be at the SD State Fair on Thursday – celebrating SD’s agricultural heritage.

  5. Testor15 on August 29, 2013 at 9:58 am said:

    I guess we won’t be seeing ruf turning in his petitions tonight.

  6. Must have some drainage ditches to dig 🙂

    I found it interesting the story about the drainage issues in Tuthill. The people who lived there said ever since they paved the shit out of 57th and 49th with parking lots they have had issues. But hey, there won’t be any problems with drainage at 85th and Minnesota.

  7. What about get and go building in the middle of the swamp at 57th and sycamore? No drainage issue there either.

  8. The petition isn’t about drainage and it isn’t as if they are asking for that land to never be developed… as they keep reminding us, this is about zoning (apparently they feel a major intersection is better suited to be residential than commercial).

    That said, I see SON has enough signatures, however it really depends upon how many are thrown out after review. There are always non-voters, fake names, people who signed twice etc that will need to be pulled. Will the final make it? Time will tell, but I just hope the final is clear enough that we don’t have a Florida “hanging chad” situation on our hands.

  9. Craig – The city clerk will look at the signatures line by line if the formula shows they are under the 5100 mark, and will ask that SOM brings a representative to look at them together. That being said, I have been mentioning your conspiracy theory to a few people, and they laugh. While I can see a ‘few’ people doing that, and I don’t think their is a concerted effort.

  10. I never said it was a ‘concerted effort’ and don’t think it will be an issue here. What I said is that it could be an issue in the future if you have an issue with two groups on opposing sides.

    Clearly there is no organized opposition in this case, so it isn’t likely an issue, but think of a group fighting against something like an indoor pool with another organized group fighting for it. Just saying – it could be a tactic, and if people have already admitted doing this, I can’t think that it just go away on its own.

    In any case, congrats to SON for pounding the pavement (and opening the garage door) and collecting all those signatures. This should give them eight months to put their homes on the market along with with the three or four of their neighbors who have already done so… because if it goes to a vote, I predict it will be an overwhelming landslide against SON.

  11. Craig, don’t think so. I think most peeps don’t like it when big corporations tell them what to do. The irony is even the richest in this neighborhood can’t even come close to what the WM family sucks from our community. Blood that is.

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