Did Spencer’s dog park cost us 500K? Nope.

When the mayor helped four councilors approve the million dollar dog parks, he did a gigantic disservice to the taxpayers of Sioux Falls. Am I against dog parks in Sioux Falls? No, and I think the four councilors that voted against the expenditure were not either. They simply were asking, “Why so expensive?” But apparently the mayor thinks that is a nice pricetag. Why is that?

My guess is because someone is getting a hell of deal on contracting fees. It reminds me of when the Pavilion window project was re-bid, and another contractor came in several thousands of dollars lower (I think it was 200K lower then original bid). I think it is a bit ridiculous that we spend 500K for each of these parks for a fence, a couple parking spots and some lights (we already own the land).

Councilor Anderson suggested before the vote that the land use committee look at more economical options before approving this. Mayor Huether, Councilors Entenman, Erpenbach, Aguliar and Rolfing don’t seem to care that we are blowing a cool million of taxpayer’s money on these parks, and don’t seem to think we should explore more economical options. Shame on them. I guess the council has really gone to the dogs. Literally.

What it really comes down to is that a mayor and some councilors are afraid if we start digging around on RFPs we may reveal something troubling, some contractors in town are taking us to the cleaners.

18 Thoughts on “Who let the dogs out?

  1. As per your link, which agenda number are you referring to? Can’t seem to find it.

  2. As per your link, which agenda number are you referring to? Can’t seem to find it.

  3. anonymous on September 18, 2013 at 3:36 pm said:

    A million dollars for two dog parks!

    And the Mayor breaks a tie vote TO MAKE IT POSSIBLE.

    Add this to the list of things voters need to remember when they go to the polls next April.

    A few of MMM’s priorities:

    Half million dollar dog parks

    Head Cheerleader for Walmart

    A spouse who has rec’d $500,000 for her personal cause (Community Indoor Tennis Center) and is now lobbying for more taxpayer handouts.

    To Be Continued……..

    Also, look closely at the Councilors who voted for the $$$$$$ dog parks:





    All of their terms end in 2014.

  4. Outside looikng In on September 18, 2013 at 4:32 pm said:

    Rolfing and Entenman need to go to a doctor and have their testosterone levels checked….

  5. Did you mean rolfing and entenman or erpie and aggie?

  6. I was going to respond to what you said Poly on multiple levels, but I think I won’t.

  7. Lamb Chislic on September 18, 2013 at 9:55 pm said:

    We are getting a little ahead of ourselves here. Is $1m too much money to spend on two new dog parks – absolutely, yes. But does last night’s vote mean we are getting million-dollar dog parks – no.

    The Council was voting on the 2014-18 CIP, but only the items listed for 2014 are firm. The dog parks are proposed for 2015 which means they will be scrutinized and recalculated within a long list of projects by Park staff, the Park Board, Mayor and City Council again in next year’s budget cycle. The $1m for dog parks – and pretty much everything listed 2015-18, including a new pool – is nothing more than a placeholder for now.

  8. You are correct LC, and that is why Anderson asked it to be moved to a committee to be looked at. Semantics.

  9. You are correct, it was the 2014 CIP budget that was decided this week.

    I attend monthly Park Board meetings and have for years, and I can tell you with certainty in outlying years there are at least two dog parks coming our way!!

    AND, a 20 million dollar indoor swimming pool with ANNUAL operating costs of $700,000+, unless the public tries to stop it! Which is what happened with the Rec Center vote in 2005, the Drake Springs vote in 2007 and hopefully the 2014 vote on Spellerberg.

    A vote “YES” for an outdoor pool at Spellerberg will slow down or stop the momentum on this black hole for taxpayers.

  10. OldSlewFoot on September 19, 2013 at 9:48 am said:

    I off lease my dog at the $15 million dog park. Others know it as Harmodon Baseball/Softball Park. They only use it for that 6 months out of the year. I use it all 12.

  11. Stiles Bitchley on September 19, 2013 at 10:23 am said:

    I don’t even own a leash for my dog because she runs free in the country (within the confines of her invisible fence) like dogs should. If you don’t have adequate space for your dog to roam free maybe you shouldn’t have a dog. Don’t expect me or the other taxpayers to foot the bill so your dog can run without a leash.

  12. That’s why I have a fenced in backyard, so he can run around when he wants to. Besides, my dog isn’t neutered, so I can’t take him to the dog park (anymore) ever since the German Shephard incident 🙂

  13. Think about it though. With the additional $ 10 million from the Army Corp of Engineers, we could build twenty more doggy parks! I bet we could have a doggy park within the walking distance of every resident’s home in Sioux Falls. We could start naming these doggy parks after local politicians too… I know my dog would be in great favor of the idea of relieving himself at Gant Doggy Park for instance.

  14. OldSlewFoot on September 20, 2013 at 8:00 am said:

    I assume the half mil/park includes the speculation that the city will be buying land for the doggie parks. One would think they can find plenty of room on existing city land/parks to put up a few thousand dollars worth of fence.

  15. Nope, that is one of the main reasons councilors questioned the pricetag, we already own the land.

  16. Testor15 on September 20, 2013 at 10:13 am said:

    The dogs could use the Hilton riverside spray park. Imagine being able to let your dogs run free chasing the spouting water and having a drainage system to wash down all of what the dogs leave.

    Think of the entertainment value for the Hilton guests as they eat!

  17. I’m appalled to hear we have outdoor softball fields that are only used a few months out of the year. I think we need at least one domed stadium so the can be used year round so poor kids can play softball.

  18. OldSlewFoot on September 23, 2013 at 7:29 pm said:

    scott – There is a facility, they just have to draw a few more lines on the turf…

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