One reason I often shake my head at our local media is because they never tell the whole story, this story about platting fees is a prime example;

In 2009, the city added development fees when it raised the second penny sales tax to a full penny. So far the city has collected $750,000 more than they thought they would be getting in 2013.

What they leave out is that the taxpayers of Sioux Falls have contributed almost 13x times more to the arterial roads fund since it’s inception. And while I think it is wonderful that they have taken in more money this year (about fricking time!) I still contend that the developers have never held up their end of the deal by contributing 50% to the fund like they promised. Mayor Munson and the developers suckered the council at the time and have taken the taxpayer’s of SF for this money and have contributed very little.

That should have been the real story. Scroll down after clicking on this link to read my extensive posts about platting fees.

One Thought on “Platting Fee Surplus!? LMAO!

  1. While discussing this during the city council meeting Tuesday night, Councilor Anderson reminded director Cotter how taxpayers were boondoggled on this deal. Cotter told Anderson that development was dismal for a few years because of the economic collapse (something citizens warned mayor Munson and the council about before voting to raise the tax. We even pointed out National News covering the economic down turn across the country – but the wise old developers and mayor said that the recession wouldn’t affect us). Then Cotter said something to the affect that the streets benefit the taxpayers so they shouldn’t have a problem with paying the Lion’s share. Loved it when Anderson said “This was supposed to be a 40/60 deal, it’s more like a 10/90 deal.”

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