1. Russ Fjellanger on November 17, 2007 at 12:09 pm said:

    Tim – Terrific poster of this Viking foe – but I have 3 questions and comments for ya: 1) Being the English Major I am – and sorry for pointing this out – but Favre is not spelled correctly – I only noticed this because my son’s friend just had a shirt on this morning and I was questioning about why Brett’s last name is pronounced “FARVE” when it is spelled FAVRE on his jersey??? Maybe all the jersey’s are incorrect – I stil spell Tarkington wrong – ha,ha) – 2) Do you sell these as prints or have you considered it? and 3) When will you start doing some VIKINGS and TWINS drawings – (I want them all – ) – Nicely done – unique, original, and some quality work that should be shared if possible – Russ

  2. timbenson on November 17, 2007 at 8:58 pm said:

    Russ, thanks for noticing. I drew it for a Summit Oaks student. I was attempting to see if he would notice. Obviously, you’re an observant adult who immediately recognizes misspellings. You’ve proven your qualifications as an English major. Kudos to you. I sense some sarcasm in your posting. If you were actually interested in drawings I’ve drawn featuring Vikings and Twins, I believe you are familiar with my e-mail address. Thanks for your kind comments.

  3. I fixed it in Photoshop, now you both can shut up.

  4. timbenson on November 18, 2007 at 8:32 pm said:

    Thanks for fixing the error.

  5. Russ Fjellanger on December 13, 2007 at 10:19 pm said:

    I liked it better with the correct enunciation of Farve – You guys are my Farvorite cartoonists in Sewer Falls!!!

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