
I was told today he may announce soon. Not sure what seat, but probably an at-large since he lives in the SW district, and that seat is held by Greg Jamison, and he is not up for re-election. So who will he challenge? Riestroffer or Erickson?

I will keep my opinion about Steele to myself until after he announces.

By l3wis

18 thoughts on “Is Manny Steele running for city council?”
  1. “I will keep my opinion about Steele to myself until after he announces.”

    I clicked his name in the header… I think your opinion is fairly clear.

    Not that I would disagree. Steele is one of those local politicians that proves to me that people often vote based upon name recognition rather than having any idea what their candidates stand for or the issues they promote.

  2. Craig, I agree with you, about keeping opionions to yourself until he announces. I have a very definite opinion of him, being the last I knew he was one of the wonderful legislators for my district. I have had words with him a couple times.

  3. Joan, could he hear you with all the homophobic teabagger gun nut wax in his ears?

    I hear Rolfing is running again, interesting. I think he is doing it to cock block anyone (either Emmett or Manny) but I doubt he will serve 4 years if re-elected, he will pull the BS resignation in a few years.

    I am starting to think that Aguliar might run, she really doesn’t have much going on, and she seems a little nosy and needs something to do.

    Got a chuckle today, SIRE had to be fired up 15 minutes early, and the microphone’s were on. Sue and Mean Dean Karsky were shooting the shit. Sue made a sarcastic remark about the Channel 16 show ‘Inside Town Hall’ and how she never watches the program.

    Then Dean says something about running the (council) meeting because (Huether) has to leave.

    Sue cackles, and says, “Where does he have to go?!” Then the microphone cuts out.

    My point is, she seems like she is bored and needs something to do.

  4. Oh, it gets funnier, after Huether leaves the meeting (no announcement) you can hear Staggers whispering to Anderson “Shouldn’t someone ask where the mayor went?”

    I busted!

  5. I was watching, too. That whole broadcast was surreal. So MMM had something better to do than HIS JOB? If you start the meeting, finish it or don’t do it at all. Who just gets up and leaves with no explanation?

    And the only reason Karsky had to step in was because Diamond Jim is already checked out. Another month-long excursion of sand castle building in Mexico, Mr. E?

    One funny from the tail-end of the meeting: Phil Schmitz from ka-Boom Funeral Home was making a plea to avoid paying for a needless sidewalk in front of his place. He finishes and Karsky says, “Thank you, Mr. Smith”. Speaking of people with teabagger, gun, nut wax in their ears …

    Funniest show on Tuesday night TV!

  6. Huether stepped out during the reading of Item #32, off camera, with no announcement (37:00 minutes in). Karsky should have just ran the meeting from the beginning. In fact, the mayor shouldn’t be running any of the meetings, they should all be ran by the chair. The mayor is only there to break a tie. Either way, since he was running the meeting, he should have at least given the gavel to Karsky between items instead just walking out off camera.

    I have an inkling of where he had to run off to, but still working on getting that info. I do know, he wasn’t running to Mexico for a margarita.

  7. Steele is running against Rolfing. Can’t wait to watch the most confusing debate in municipal election history.

  8. Detroit, I don’t think he hears anybody, but our discussions were about all these stupid laws making it harder for women to obtain abortions in SD.

  9. ” the most confusing debate in municipal election history.”

    Channel 16 is going pay-per-view.

  10. If the Chamber and the LOWV hold a debate for the City council candidates, will Manny attend? Or will he instead hold his own Q & A with Lora as the moderator?…. I can’t wait!!!

  11. Manny, Manny, Manny,…. not only does he think the LOWV are a “bunch of liberal heathens,” but by association the Chamber cannot be trusted either…. It’s definitely a new day for some members of the GOP (Tea Party fanatics)…..

    I am also wondering if Manny realizes that abortion is seldom an agenda item on the City Council docket, which is actually bad and good news for him. Because it means he cannot use the issue as a wedge issue politically, but then again, he won’t have to worry about discussing it if he decides to attend a Chamber/LOWV Council candidates’ debate….

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