
Sorry Bro, you are not contributing to the beauty of our community.

When I started reading this letter, I was waiting for the punch line at the end, and it never came;

Homeowners and businesses that do not comply with city ordinances in regards to upkeep of their property also should have fines doubled and required to pay within 30 days or doubled.

First off, the city’s code enforcement department already sends out multiple fines for one violation, which is not only questionable legally, it is probably unconstitutional. Besides the multiple fines, they really have no way of collecting them, because that process is also been found to be unconstitutional.

But the best part of Mr. Marshall Law’s letter is yet to come;

This will cause tax revenue to increase, compliance to laws/ordinances to increase as well as a safer and more beautiful city to live in.

So besides being a grumpy old ‘stay off my lawn’ man, he feels these stringent penalties should be implemented to make our city prettier. So a word of warning to all you long haired bearded folk of the community, get a shave and a haircut or you will be fined, double.

21 Thoughts on “This guy needs to read the US Constitution (or least have it explained to him)

  1. Just for S’ts and giggles I google mapped this guy’s residence. LOL. I can see why he wrote this letter in the winter, because in the summer all of his leisure time is taken up with mowing his lawn. He’s probably one of these guys who waters that crap out it so he has to mow twice a week. And while we are at it, there should be a city ordinance against a certain percentage of beige homes in a neighborhood.

  2. AL Reader on January 9, 2014 at 1:57 pm said:

    The guy who wrote this letter sounds like “the neighbor from hell!”

  3. I bet when he goes to McDonalds he yells at the cashier… “I’ll have a Quarter Pounder with Cheese…. DOUBLED!”.

  4. “I can see why he wrote this letter in the winter, because in the summer all of his leisure time is taken up with mowing his lawn. He’s probably one of these guys who waters that crap out it so he has to mow twice a week.”

    Not to defend Mr. extra initials, but every single house had a green lawn during Google’s travels through the area – he probably isn’t all that special. Besides, real estate records show that he sold the property in October 2013, which suggests wherever he is now is probably the reason he is so upset. In suburbia where the streets are lined with beige there probably isn’t much to complain about – but maybe his new digs aren’t fitting his stepford ideal.

    Considering how upset he was to use a form of the word “double” nine times in one LTE it makes me wonder if he sees a doublewide when he looks out his kitchen window.

  5. When I read the letter this morning, I decided I better read it again to make sure I had read the letter right. He sounds like he might be a little off, or else in some way related to my ex-husband. Not about increasing the fines, but our lawn got watered several days a week and cut once a week and it had to be cut at the exact some height, with the clippings bagged and used as mulch on our garden. There isn’t anything quite as interesting as living with a perfectionist. Ha!

  6. Yes a very large goon squad looking for infractions of any sort.

    And our taxes would………………………………………………………………………………………….Wait…………………………………………………………………….For……………………………………………………………………It…………………………………………………………………………………………………….


  7. pathloss on January 9, 2014 at 9:56 pm said:

    Double citations & fines are double jeopardy. If the city didn’t pursue a first occurrence to conclusion, another notice/fine negates the first & later. In other words, you win. It’s law the city refuses to acknowledge. I have something forthcoming they’ll have to pay attention to. Citizens will be very angry at election time when they see how Huether has attacked their rights and defiled the US constitution.

  8. Dan Daily on January 9, 2014 at 10:00 pm said:

    Time to open an investigation and get some of the embezzled millions back.

  9. Dan Daily on January 9, 2014 at 10:03 pm said:

    Time to see if inferior construction at the EC can be corrected or if the biggest event will be tickets sold to witness the implosion.

  10. Dan Daily on January 9, 2014 at 10:12 pm said:

    There, I said it. You can’t build a 300 mil events center for 100 mil. As an engineer, I’ve watched construction. Personally, I’d never walk inside and prevent family from doing so. Put all the corrupt politician & developer types in boxes up top. When it caves and they lose their lives, this city will be a much better place.

  11. Dan Daily on January 9, 2014 at 10:21 pm said:

    I hope I’m not right.

  12. So the first show at the new 100 million dollar albatross is a hick bubblegum country singer. zzzzzzzzz

  13. LJL – Right!? It’s like when right-wingers in Florida wanted to drug test welfare recipients and realized it would cost more then just giving the druggies welfare. It was also realized that the percentage of welfare recipients that were doing drugs was very low. Why? Because they don’t have money to buy drugs. It’s like when this dude talks about people parking on the street during snow removal. I lived in the Pettigrew Heights neighborhood for over a decade. There is NO offstreet parking, or very little. Your choices are limited for parking, yet this busy-body wants to auction the cars of the already working poor to pay for fines. Word of advice Toddy P & J, turn off FOX News and Rush, turn on NPR and live a little.

  14. pathloss on January 9, 2014 at 11:20 pm said:

    The EC can book Miley & her wrecking ball.

  15. If he had his way – maybe the revenue to be used to mow your boulevard, shovel your driveway and trim your boulevard trees for you DL.

    You should partner up with this guy – could be a win/win for you both.

  16. anominous on January 10, 2014 at 3:04 pm said:

    “Hick Town”.

  17. Probably the same POS that did this.

    Whoever left that note walks among us. That is frightening.

    I’m starting to make a list. When the zombie apocalypse comes, I got some mother fuckers I wanna shoot first.

  18. Winston on January 10, 2014 at 8:15 pm said:

    I know the British like our 24/7 Sobriety Project. Maybe our City could borrow the following idea from the BBC to enforce local laws and fee enforcement.

    Check this out!!!


  19. Testor15 on January 11, 2014 at 6:56 am said:

    It reads like he is a code enforcement employee, FEES, FINES, RAISES!

  20. “So the first show at the new 100 million dollar albatross is a hick bubblegum country singer. zzzzzzzzz”

    Well in their defense… they clearly are in tune with the target market.

    People can complain about country music all day long, but we need to admit in this area it still reigns supreme. In fact, once you get out of the top 25 grossing concerts (because let’s all admit nobody in the top 25 is stopping in Sioux Falls), several of the most popular touring acts over the past few years have been country (and or country / pop crossover) artists.

    I of course wouldn’t attend the concert if you gave me free backstage passes because I have no interest in the genre, but even I admit that is what sells, so it is the right call to bring someone like that in.

    It also has to be an act that is well known enough to bring in some fans, but low key enough that the ticket prices will be affordable for the income levels in the area. So even if the Stones lost a bet and had to come to Sioux Falls, they probably wouldn’t see out since most people in the area don’t have $250 – $350 for a single ticket.

    At a venue the size of the EC, we can expect a lot more country artists than we will any other type… although I wouldn’t be surprised to see a few teeny bopper groups stroll through as well since for whatever reason parents are always willing to send their 13 year old daughters to concerts.

    For music the rest of us enjoy… there is always the District or the occasional artist that struggles to sell out the Pavilion.

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