

Mayor Huether to Announce Sioux Falls’ Top 10 Wins of 2013

Sioux Falls, South Dakota: Mayor Mike Huether will hold a news conference on Thursday, January 30, 2014, at 1 p.m. to present what he considers to be the top 10 wins that Sioux Falls City government captured in 2013. The news conference will take place in the Commission Room in City Hall, 224 West Ninth Street.

Wonder if Channel 16 will be recording or replaying this Press Conference?

According to City policy (Executive Order 12-24), candidates for any elective public office are not eligible to appear on CityLink for 90 days prior to the next municipal election (April 8, 2014). This City policy ensures candidates do not use public funds for their own personal promotion. The policy states that candidates may appear on CityLink “if the appearance of the candidate is incidental to presentation of the subject matter or in coverage of official City meetings such as City Council or Council Informational Meetings.” These types of incidental appearances also may include events like news conferences and ribbon cuttings.

Wonder how MMM will walk this tight rope? He’ll probably have City Attorney Fiddle-Faddle dig up some loophole in the ordinance about ‘educating’ the public instead of ‘campaigning’.

5 Thoughts on “So will Channel 16 be filming/airing this?

  1. anonymous on January 29, 2014 at 3:30 pm said:


    He announced at the last Listening and Learning Session that he would NOT be appearing on Channel 16 again because of the upcoming election.

  2. Well, as long as it is only recorded and not aired on Channel 16, he is within the ordinance. We will see how he pushes the envelope on this one . . .

  3. Perhaps Jamison should show up to take the credit as well, since he is in the council.

  4. 85th stuckee on January 31, 2014 at 6:50 pm said:

    this reminds me of last March when Meridith Larsen was on the preplanning for the Planning and zoning show on channel 16, and saw no issue with him wanting to allow the walfart on 85th and minn. and of course we find out later after watching late night that they didn’t record it, although it was on several times, damn the dvr for not being on autopilot. Now Henry Carlson is building the 60th st north walfart. I’m sure Attorney Fiddle Faddle with help him out. Keep up the good work you guys. thanks

  5. The ‘Ethics’ department at city hall sits quietly in a spit cup next to the backup server room AC.

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