14 Thoughts on “SF City Council candidate Steele doesn’t believe in evolution (H/T – Helga)

  1. “No School board or school administrator may prohibit a teacher in public or nonpublic school from providing instruction on intelligent design or other related topics.”

    Boy o’ Boy does that open a can of worms! We will just leave it up to the teachers to determine what the course of study will be? They would be able to discuss what they want? YIKES !!!!!

  2. Is this guy a right winger, or what.

  3. I don’t support this law as I believe that there is intelligent design in evolution. But if a student’s parents have taught the child in intelligent design, the teacher should have the brains to just shut the f$(k up and respect that child’s beliefs as well.

    There are plenty of examples of teachers pushing their socially progressive ideology onto our children as well.

  4. Johnny Roastbeef on February 1, 2014 at 2:53 pm said:

    LJL can you give me some examples of teachers pushing their socially progressive ideology onto our children?

  5. rufusx on February 1, 2014 at 3:12 pm said:

    For comparison LJL – here’s a way the “conservative” religious agenda is being pushed/slipped sideways into publicly funded instruction by a teacher;

    I saw this on a TV news story way back in 2003 – diagramming sentences from the Bible.

  6. Just watched ‘Creation’ a movie about Darwin from 2009. Did you know he was buried with FULL Christen Honors a Westminster Abbey?

  7. Steele and Wick don’t believe women are smart enough to have the right to choose either. I have had this discussion with them.

  8. Those two judging intelligence is like having a whale judge a bikini model competition.

  9. And lord forbid that SD ever become “socially progressive”. A stagnant society is much more functional (eye roll). Or even better yet – a backward culture.

  10. Taxpayer-Voter on February 2, 2014 at 3:09 pm said:

    Let’s hope this guy is NOT elected to the SF City Council!!

  11. I’m waiting for the follow-up legislation to allow teaching alchemy, astrology, and magic. They all have as much evidence and verifiable proof that they are legitimate as intelligent design, so it only seems fair.

    Or we could perhaps consider teaching things like… oh I don’t know – actual science and history?

    The sponsors of this bill are a veritable list of those who have embarrassed our state multiple times in recent years. How some of these people continue to get re-elected is simply amazing to me and proves once again people vote with their party rather than bothering to learn anything about those running for office.

  12. Science answers questions about the facts of nature.
    Religion answers questions about the truth of God and humans.

    I wouldn’t want Genesis taught in biology class, for the same reason I wouldn’t want organic chemistry taught in Sunday school. (I’m a Christian.)

  13. Let’s hope Litz pulls a magic trick on election night and loses Steele’s ballots 🙁

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