I guess there have been ‘fireplace commercials’ that feature Christine Erickson and her family in their new home, which means it might have been shot and produced after she announced her candidacy for city council. I wonder if this violates any FCC or election disclosure laws?  Even if it is “legally compliant” that doesn’t make it right to air it, especially less than 60 days out to the election (after April 10, fine).  She should know better, the business should know better, and the media looks complicit for airing it. Why can’t people just do the right thing any more without forcing someone else to call them out? It’s like the Channel 16 and the mayor blatantly using it for campaign purposes.
I was also alerted that last night on Facebook that Angie Buhl IS running for re-election. She even used the post yesterday to ask for campaign donations. I guess District 15 hasn’t had enough of Pro-choice, non-catholics 🙂
Thank goodness Denny Pierson has jumped into this At-Large Council race.
No kidding.
I bet there will be a prolife catholic in a Primary.
I always thought it was kid of shady when Vernon brown did the voiceovers for SDN while running for office. Same with Rounds doing insurance commercials after he abounded he was running for senate.
The best was when Rounds did a commercial as a sitting governor for medicare supplemental insurance.
Does anyone on here truly know Christine Erickson and actually had a conversation with her? It seems we like to lambast someone just because, yet we haven’t even met the candidate or person.