
I have heard from several people that the Huether campaign has been putting their plastic grocery bag signs in person’s yards that ‘might’ or ‘should’ or ‘could’ be supporters without permission. I have had a couple of them tell me, they were quite upset about it, others that are supporters, but were turned off by the fact they were not asked permission.

If we really want to split hairs, there are several laws that are being broke here. Trespassing and littering come to mind, better get code enforcement on this.

UPDATE: This must be a new trend in campaign materials, the candidate trash bag. Because when you think Mike, think trash.


More littering, or maybe this is just a way for Huether to suggest we clean up trash with his campaign trash bags, the fellow above caught on.


More campaign violations abound, signs on city property. How appropriate, in front of the business that got two feet of water dumped into them by a city fire hydrant.




3 Thoughts on “UPDATE: Huether’s curious sign placement policy


  2. teatime on March 22, 2014 at 6:56 pm said:

    And signs placed in boulevards/parking areas by the street! Everyone knows that has been deemed a no-no by ordinance #whatever. Easy to find on the city website.

  3. 85th stuckee on March 24, 2014 at 9:16 pm said:

    Tonight around 630pm Appears that along Minn ave near Battcheler Lane going up the Minn hill some people were pulling up MMM signs. I think they got some Rex signs too.

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