
April 1, 2014, 1:45 PM

While discussion has probably been occurring all morning (at outside law offices and county commission meetings) on deciding what to do with the typos, misleading attorney language and musical ballots being mailed all over the southern part of the state, the SOS of state decides to step in with a solution.

“I say we release the dolphins. At this point in the game it is the only solution.”

The SOS got the idea in a dream after a full night of watching the Cartoon Network. “If Aquaman can summon the beasts of the sea, why can’t we?”

The idea is simple, instead going to a super precinct to vote, the city clerk and auditor’s office will transport dolphins throughout the city in vans with kiddie pools in them. They will drive throughout neighborhoods at slow speeds and the dolphins will pick-up votes through mental telepathy.

“It will alleviate many of the ballot issues, including not having enough ballots at the vote centers. BTW, we will not be using any SF School District vans. I think we have learned our lesson.” Says the city clerk.

We wondered if there would be any concerns with this new system of voting? “At this point, we don’t know how the dolphins will react to pool ballot measure, but I am sure it will be fine, they will be getting a pool either way. Right?” Says the SOS.

Once the dolphins have tabulated all of the votes, they will bark the vote counts at the mayor’s gigantic head, which enables them to ricochet into the many vote counting computers.

“With the help of the mayor’s gigantic head, the votes with be tabulated in minutes.” Says the county auditor.

We asked if there would be any danger of some of the votes leaking into the mayor’s head and getting trapped? The auditor said, “Nah, we did a test, we found that they just bounce around for awhile in the massive empty space and eventually seep back out.”

5 Thoughts on “BREAKING: the City decides to destroy municipal ballots, use dolphins instead

  1. Dan Daily on April 1, 2014 at 2:24 pm said:

    If that’s what it takes for free properly conducted and counted elections, then FREE WHILLY.

  2. Joan on April 1, 2014 at 5:46 pm said:

    Some of the things that happen in the city, I would swear Denny Dimwit and his co-horts are running the city. I realize a lot of you are too young to know who Denny Dimwit was/is but the name kind of says it all.

  3. teatime on April 1, 2014 at 9:51 pm said:

    This is funny. Thanks for the April 1 joke. 🙂

  4. Dan Daily on April 2, 2014 at 10:24 am said:

    There’s a network of a few billionaires who control everything. City development & contract awards are through them marked up without competitive bid. This city would have grown more were it not for their syndicate. They get a cut of anything & everthing.
    Perimeter cities are growing because medium size businesses learned the process and realize they can locate farther out cheaper. Their piranha tactics work. It’s what I’d do if my business was regional.
    You don’t stop this because you can’t. However, it’s become time to appropriate more tax base to the county and perhaps to suburb cities. 330 million a year is exorbitant for a city of 160k. It’s prompted corruption and indoor coliseums leaving not enough for infrastructure & welfare help.
    The salvation army has 76 people nightly on cold nights. They keep a list of 525 who go without nutrition or a place to stay. They’re but one of many charities. Imagine for yourself the magnitude of this problem.

  5. Randall on April 2, 2014 at 4:52 pm said:


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