
Last night I was working, and one of the regulars at the bar says to me, “Hey, Scott, what happened to that Malaysian airplane?” So I thought this up on the fly, “You didn’t hear? They found it.” He says, “How?” I said they hired Tattoo from Fantasy Island and put him on the front of a ship and when he saw the wreckage he said, DA PLANE, DA PLANE!”

By l3wis

2 thoughts on “Bad Joke of the day”
  1. I predicted the location and emailed to KELO & NBC. KELO reports storms, not brainstorms. NBC got back to me with ‘How’d you know?’.

    They crossed the equator when the new NAV for 777 was set. Version 1.0, guess what? It’s set for south latitude instead of north to China. A very quick turn cracked the cabin. Everyone passed out, depressurization. It went to the set coordinates and circled til ran out of fuel (O’hare on fridays). Basically, Indian Ocean instead of communist China. Which one’s worse?

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