The latest is that the group will turn in over 6,000 signatures today (they need 4,700 valid). We will see if my sources are correct.

By l3wis

9 thoughts on “School Date start petition may make the mark”
  1. School should start after labor day. Why have school a week or less followed by a holiday? Politicians and the school board are stubborn. This is why there must be a petition process to force feed them common sense.

  2. If the school board had any brains at all they would make the shift to a later start before this hits the ballots.

    Whoever came up with the earlier start date was a moron.

    Hey, I got an idea. Lets release the kids in May when it’s rainy and dreary and then pen them back up earlier before Labor day when it’s warm and nice out.

    Thers nothing common about common sense in our school system.

  3. I hope they have copies of all those petitions.

    Putting Todd Vik, SFSD Business Manager, in charge of reviewing the petitions is kind of like putting the fox in charge of the henhouse.

  4. Should have year-round school with three 3-4 week breaks – Thanksgiving through New Years, Spring and Fall. How many kids actually need to be off during the summer to “help with farming”? 400-500? Most of the filed work is done – NOW. Harvest is much later to “the olden days”. There is no summer work anymore (cultivating, walking beans, etc.) thanks to the miracles of chemistry.

  5. Football and band will still start the first week of August, so what’s the point? And just listen to the people bitch when school gets out in June.

  6. The threshold of signatures structured to inoculate the board from outside influence is testimony to the elitist culture within the educational system from the Federal oversight and as far down as the public has allowed the trickle. If this country expects a future reminiscent of its past, this MUST change.

  7. When a comment is submitted here, it is then left in a state of limbo under the guise, “your comment is awaiting moderation”. Am I to expect editing ? Or am I to expect censorship ?

  8. Scott, school is about scholarly pursuits. Scholarly pursuits have impact long after graduation while long-ago high school futbahl and band are irrelevant.

    Some of you morons wanted “local control” and you got it and this mess. A 9 month (180 day) school year needs to begin after Labor Day and end prior to Memorial Day. Deal with it. Someday our better angels will have a 225+ day school year and drop non-scholarly time wasters from the curriculum — until then make it Labor to Memorial Days and deal with it.

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