The Washington Bazillion is presenting their annual report to the city council during their informational on Tuesday (DOC: Washingthebooks).

They have been presenting this kind of report to the council for a number of years. Very vague. No breakdown of specific revenues from each branch of the Pavilion. My favorite line under Expenses is ‘other expenses’. Imagine doing your taxes with your accountant and submitting this to him? LOL! Oh, and two things have remained consistent, the city’s subsidy goes up each year, and so do the salaries. I do agree with Pavilion officials on one front, results in the arts business are not always measured in revenue, they are measured in cultural impact to the community, in other words, most businesses give raises based on results, whether they are in dollar signs or impact. Wondering how the Pavilion can justify the continued salary increases?

The City Council should demand a full, detailed Annual Report to the city council, like they used to supply on their website to the public. Of course, it may reveal what is really going on in the big purple building. Not a gawd damn thing.


2 Thoughts on “The very ‘vague’ Pavilion Annual Report

  1. 85th stuckee on June 6, 2014 at 6:58 pm said:

    this is a big funny. Remember when city council had to ratify the board for the capital expenditures on windows.
    Now I see utilities, program expenses, equipment, memberships, etc are going down, but by God they can give themselves raises, bury travel with volunteers, WTF is that. What are they doing. Concessions up, where is the COGS. Why is the city coughing up a high amount when they worked less. I like this place when they have great concerts, but I could just as well go to Mpls for culture if these goofs can’t even do a budget, that would save a lot of tax dollars for a lot of us in this town, especially if similar goofs start running the EC. Scary isn’t it.

  2. Dan Daily on June 8, 2014 at 2:17 pm said:

    Declining revenue, contributions down, building depreciating. Banks would not loan on this business. This was a Munson Folly but it’s up to Huether businessman to turn it around.

    Board designated transfer?

    I still say this could become a future city hall. The crowded old one can be general city offices or a Gitmo like city jail.

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