By l3wis

8 thoughts on “Public Input at SF City Council Meeting – 6/17/14”
  1. When you address the city council and refer to Walmart (WMT) as a “private international corporation,” they tend to dismiss you in a hurry.

  2. Dismiss? Ha! They don’t interact with any of the public during testimony. When I first started going to public input, you could ask councilors and the mayor questions, and they usually would ask questions back. Not anymore, they just sit on their throne and dream of ways they can spend all that developer money flowing into their campaign war chests.

  3. Good presentations addressing urgent and valid issues. Who wakes the mayor and council once public comment is concluded?

  4. Please read and reflect on the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights. The Supreme Court keeps ruling that spending money is part of “free speech”.

  5. Bean, don’t have a problem with money being spent, I just think that there needs to be a cap on donations and how much a candidate can spend per registered voter, to level the playing field. Have candidates actually go out and campaign.

  6. We tried to tell them that they should fix it first. Darn errors just pop up all over, kind of like the ones on ballots issues and typos.

  7. Maybe Ms. Graham should introduce herself as a “Developer of Rental Properties”, rather than “landlord”, she would get some attention.

    If the city does not pay for this, or only pays a deductible, that’s wrong. Why should she take a hit on her insurance rates by filing a claim?

  8. Maybe Ms. Graham should introduce herself as a “Developer of Rental Properties”, rather than “landlord”, she would get some attention.

    If the city does not pay for this, or only pays a deductible, that’s wrong. Why should she take a hit on her insurance rates by filing a claim?

    Bruce — good job!

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