
Independent candidate for governor, Mike Myers, told me yesterday that there is to be four scheduled governor debates with all three candidates. One of the debates to be on SDPTV was cancelled due to ‘scheduling’. Mike wonders if Daugaard bailed on the debate and this is why it was cancelled? Mike asked an even more perplexing question, “If Dennis can’t attend the debate, why can’t there still be a debate between Wismer and I?” Good question. The SD GOP is good at controlling the message in the media, mostly by not saying anything. Why not? It worked for Rounds in the primary race.

I also asked Myers about his Lt. Governor search. He said he is still working on it and is open to suggestions. He is not opposed to tapping a Democrat or Republican (He asked Lowe if he was interested) but will probably go with another Independent. He has until August 12 to submit his running mate.

By l3wis

6 thoughts on “Why was the governor’s debate on education cancelled?”
  1. Seems they play along with the Indy but shove him aside when it gets down to the campaign.

  2. It’s too bad! Mike Meyers has some good ideas and can really add to the debates. More competition with good candidates the better. I wish we had more viable political parties in SD to increase competition. It would take an incredible amount of work and time to build up but there needs to be some pressure applied to our elected officials rather than dominance, corruption, mediocrity and complacency.

  3. The media needs to quit catering to Rounds and Daugaard and stick with the scheduled debates. We need to hold main steam media accountable. The media also should quit worrying about the bottom line and start investigating important issues such as EB-5, cronyism, Common core, health care, etc. They need to start asking the candidates tough questions and go back to being the watchdog for the people. Myers and Wismer need to show up for the debate that was prviously scheduled. If Daugaard backs out, the show must go on, for the people of SD.

  4. Very nice Tara!! I agree…and especially when you visited the Tribes and their spiritual camps. Rick is looking really good to them and so is Mike Myers.

  5. Hopefully between now and November we don’t have those idiots from SDAP showing up to news conferences and hijacking them with totally off the wall questions which ends up being a distraction when candidates are talking about the core issues South Dakotans care about most.

    It’s hard enough to get Daugaard,Rounds and the other cronies running for office to talk about real issues rather than fluff and the press actually covering it.

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