
Just another day at the park (the person who took this photo told me that they took this at 3 PM one day last week, and when they drove by again at 8 PM the guy in white was still passed out in the same spot.)

While the politicians from the city and county are pointing fingers and discussing what they can and cannot do at Van Eps Park (eliminating the alcohol) I believe the Mayor has the ultimate executive power to make Van Eps a dry Park, whenever he wants to;

Section 3.01  Executive power.

The executive and administrative power of the city shall be vested in a mayor.

Section 4.01  General provisions.

  1. Creation of departments. The mayor may establish city departments, offices, or agencies in addition to those created by this charter by filing an executive order which may also provide that any funds previously appropriated to perform a function which is being transferred may thereby be transferred to the new major organizational unit performing such function, with such order becoming effective after the expiration of 25 days from the date it is filed, unless action is taken to nullify the executive order by a vote of six (6) or more members of the city council. The mayor may prescribe the functions of all departments, offices, and agencies, except that no function assigned by this charter to a particular department, office, or agency may be discontinued or, unless this charter specifically so provides, assigned to any other.

As I understand it, the Mayor doesn’t need approval from the Parks Board or the City Council, he could file an order today. Now it would seem the city council could overturn his order with a 6/2 vote in next meeting, if they choose to.

Has the mayor ever used this power in the past, probably, but the one instance I can think of was when he authorized the purchase of snow gates for testing.

Let’s assume that he does have this power (if I am reading the ordinance correctly) so why hasn’t he used this authority? It seems him and Fiddle Faddle are playing games with the city charter (and state law) by throwing it back in the Park Board’s lap. Who appoints the Park Board? The Mayor.

So why has the city chosen to put temporary restrooms and more picnic tables at Van Eps? And what reason would the mayor have to drag his feet on this matter?

Honestly, I don’t know. I do know that some city councilors, county commissioners and park board members are not happy about the situation. The only thing I can think of is that they (Mayor’s office) are just biding their time with these people until the Good Shepard closes and The Bishop Dudley Shelter opens.

Funny how when it comes to entertainment facilities, nothing can be done fast enough, but drunks at a park out of site of ‘respectable’ Downtowners, our hands are tied. Yeah right.


By l3wis

19 thoughts on “Who is playing games with Van Eps Park?”
  1. Maybe MMM can get a couple of grills installed in the park then cook them up some leftover franks from his 4th of July picnic? If not, Lunch is Served delivers. Or Meals on Wheels …

    Are they waiting for Shipley’s to pick up the laundry in the trees?

  2. Again I will ask the question: What is better? Having a place in the wide open that is easy for law enforcement to monitor or having people hiding in alleys, abandoned buildings, laundry-mats, entryways, parking ramps…etc. so they can drink socially with their friends. I am not trying to excuse their addiction, but reality is they are going to drink no matter what laws you put into place. Alcoholics have burnt bridges and destroyed families. If a loving wife or husband or son or daughter cannot get them to stop drinking what makes you think that closing down a park will?

  3. The only reason this problem or lack there of exists is that that rich and entitled of Sioux Falls is now seeing it first hand. Banning alcohol does not solve the problem it just moves it to the front yards of the people of Pettigrew Heights and Whittier Park which obviously the city does not care about since it is now out of sight of the rich downtown paying businesses and dwellers.

    Van Eps Park is the best place for these people to be in. No one used Van Eps park before hand so it is not like it is driving others in the park away. I have personally never seen anyone use Van Eps park until about 2 months ago.

    The close minded people of Sioux Falls are afraid of homeless people. THis is the same reason people from downtown complained they did not feel safe. It was because of the homeless people make them feel afraid and scared.

    Little known fact, I bet if you contact the SFPD there would be very few if any reports of the homeless committing any violent crime or crime in general (minus disorderly conducts) against people outside of their normal circles (ie random citizens). But the fact of the matter is if you complain to Mayor Huether enough he will bring his gestapo like tactics down and push these people to other areas of town where the residents are not affluent enough for him to care about their complaints.

    Pretty sad all the way around for our city.

    My favorite part is when the Mayor went down there asking to speak with their elders (true story). This is probably right after he offered to trade them some river water and animal pelts to get them to leave the park (sarcasm).

  4. If you have ever seen HBO’s series The Wire, the fictional PD of Baltimore created an anything goes part of the city.

    I think it’s worth a try. Only 2 rules, no children: no weapons. I think this would work best at the Tower of David apartment building. Of course we will need to change the name of the building the the Huether Center for Equality.

  5. Think I’m with p43 on this one, they are entitled a place to be ie. the reservation or the black hills til we found gold there! We don’t want to get to NAZI on them, the courthouse is a block away and am sure they can find some rocks in the hood!

  6. What about enclosing Van Eps Park with 10 feet tall concertina wire with plywood board facing the street painted with figures of happy people holding hands with the sun shining, butterflies, flowers and birds. Inside these people would be offered free food, porta potties and they could BYOB. They could be let out after the soup kitchens and overnight shelters open.

  7. Anarchia would be a better name. Should be highly appealing to the “conservative” SDn’s who hate the government (rules. regulations and so on). Also the best place in the world to test out “free market” economics.

  8. When the false walls events center fails, it’s a good place for mass John Doe funerals.

  9. John, reminds me of the FP CC scheme he cooked up years ago, keep borrowing money, but never solve the problem of being out of debt. If you are poor, you just have to keep moving your debt around to one financial institution to the next until your finally broken. Kind of like alcoholics, just keep moving them around instead actually getting them help. He seems to apply his business model to everything he does.

    I bet he has a sign over the toilet paper roll ‘Please limit yourself to 3 sheets’. I guess I would avoid shaking his hand.

    I also find the hypocrisy in the fact that he loves to tell people about his alcoholic father (so we will feel sorry for him) but seems to have zero compassion for these people.

  10. My inner-libbie must be rising up today, as I say let those people have a park to be in. They are Sioux Falls citizens too.

    But if they get out of hand, have the cops go in there and haul them off ungentley.

  11. Ruf, you got it right, I’ll buy the signs John, you are spot on with MMM. l3wis, you are spot on too. This frkn idiot is going to take us all along time to climb out of debt. THe 4 frkn walmarts are not going to do it for him. People are broke, they don’t give a crap for him. I have not been in a walmart or sams since last year. God love Lewis Drug and Hyvee and thier employees. This may have been the best little city in america, but it probably should have been labeled the saddest little city in america. Reading the Blaze today, the republicans sound as though going after Obama on impeachment will be the next thing, maybe we can do it to MMM too. Our A Clown and toss in Jeff Schmitt and Mike Cooper too. A Clowns as well.

  12. Why not rename it “Potsdam Park”? It’s only just full of bankers and farmers.

  13. So some of you believe society can cure anyone of anything. “These people” just need more counseling?

    With all the social programs offered to people these days it appears to many of us that “these people” have isolated THEMSELVES from the rest of society.

    Should society accept intoxicated bad behavior as an everyday occurrence anywhere? If you’re OK with everyday public intoxication, will you be Ok with public sex acts? Will you be OK with public animal sacrifice in the name of religious beliefs?

    I’m all for personal rights to smoke,drink,shoot, eat whatever you want but paramount to these rights is personal responsibility for your actions in the greater good of society, when in full view of society. Whether you’re a homeless drunk in a shitty park or a drunken CEO at Jazzfest; YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO ACT LIKE AN ASS IN PUBLIC.

    BTW, I seen 4 different races of people at the park in Kelo’s reporting this morning.

  14. Actually – you do have the right to act like an ass in public, or make asinine statements on the interwebs. But, you do NOT have the right to expect to be respected for same.

  15. There are plenty of laws pertaining to what you can’t do in public. As far as acting or posting like an ass, how could I argue with you an ass expert.

  16. I’ve had many Native American friends since around 6 years old. One thing is who should judge that this is so terrible to be at a park. Drinking or not drinking you could be a rich snob at jazz fest drinker than heck . I would hold these people at van eps closer than the lying a clowns in city hall Mmm cooper and Schmitt are the worst of our community the way the sell half truths. Lead us around like they have the homeless and less fortunate than most of us. I’m no longer proud to be a Sioux Falls resident. Since when has lying become so important to egos. What a bunch of a clowns we have leading us. Worse yet is we are a clowns for putting up with our city leaders. Let’s get rid of them next election

  17. Public intoxication is not just a problem with “those ” people that some here refer to. Too many here in this town think our own little Gaza Strip, (Van Eps Park) is the only place where we need to clean up the alcohol related problems. Far from it. I’ve seen it alive and well at many of the best little city’s finer functions too. All our DT events that center around beer sales come to mind. Not to mention the beer tents at J&Ls summer beer frolics. And don’t think for a second our new EC does not have one thing in mind. BEER SALES. Just like this place.


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