I found their cute little video they made comical. Instead of just asking people on the street if they know Rick Weiland, this is how I would have gone about this unscientific poll.

1) Are you a registered voter in South Dakota? If so,

2) Do you plan on voting in the November election? If so,

3) Do you know who this person is?

I can tell you that these questions were probably not asked first, in fact one particular person they interviewed (a regular DT) probably wouldn’t know what a picture of themselves looked like, let alone Rick Weiland, that person isn’t real keen on soap and water either.


By l3wis

3 thoughts on “The SD Republic Party & the games they play”
  1. And if they showed a face of M. Mike Rounds, most probably couldn’t identify him either. So what’s their point, that Weiland doesn’t hang out at Parker’s? Good.

    A couple of these interviews look like they were shot at Van Eps. Sobriety optional.

  2. This is the 2nd most corrupt state. It’s first, given population ratio. Voters react from political ads. It’s lies they choose to believe. Does a name or character matter? There are more RV than resident voters. They’re mostly democrat yet a Republican governor gets elected. I’ve always suspected the vote is manufactured such that we feel free and accept dictated circumstances.

  3. You could ask 50 people as to what multi-million dollar scandal Rounds and Daugaard are involved in and I bet 5 people couldn’t name it.

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