
UPDATED: This is the photo of where the flowers had to be torn out, you can see they were cut out. I think it actually looks worse, because now it is just a bunch of rocks. I guess how this came about was code enforcement tried to fine a lady with rocks in her boulevard, and she got mad and took around 40 photos of other properties violating the same thing she was, so code enforcement chased them down also. Ridiculous. I sometimes wonder if city employees or managers THINK before they act on stupid stuff like this.

Recently a resident of Sioux Falls was asked to remove her flowers from the boulevard (Day Lillies) by city code enforcement. This is in the wake of the city council recently stating they want to review the administration’s recommendation to limit flower planting and other landscaping in the boulevard.

According to current city ordinance, your entire boulevard should be grass only. But after the city council heard about the proposed changes they asked for the city code enforcement to not enforce the current ordinance until they come up with proposed changes, and they agreed they would not pursue issuing fines (because there are thousands of violators city wide). Apparently the code enforcement officers don’t give a rat’s behind what the city council thinks. The resident was asked to tear out the flowers within a week or face a $100 fine.

Code enforcement is supposedly based on neighbor complaints, but I guess all the neighbors of this resident were so upset the city did this, they sent the lady sympathy cards.

This has renewed an interest in a petition drive that may start very soon regarding what residents can plant in their boulevards and having the city public works trim THEIR trees in the boulevard instead of fining and charging residents to trim them.

Once again, if citizens want PUBLIC SERVICE and CONSTITUTIONAL Property RIGHTS they have to pursue it on their own at the ballot box, because our elected officials are asleep at the wheel. Just look at how long it is taking them to ban alcohol at Van Eps Park?

13 Thoughts on “UPDATED: Sioux Falls ‘Flower Police’ strike hard and fast

  1. this spring we got 3 warning letters from the city to trim our trees or else. i finally called them and said you need to come out here and tell me what trees to trim, since I have NONE on my property. they said they would drive by again. about an hour later, i got a call saying oops, sorry wrong address. dipshits.

  2. teatime on August 11, 2014 at 10:17 pm said:

    I’ll sign that petition!

  3. You should have seen the couple they did this to, despicable. Kind of seems that the SF code enforcement office works alone with no regard for city directors or the city council, just do whatever they want to. I see they are having another crowing achievement today;

  4. anominous on August 12, 2014 at 10:46 am said:

    The mayor ought to consider taking the city coucil on a fact-finding trip to South Pearl Street in Denver to see exactly what it looks like to plant flowers in the boulevards. He and his boring generation have no idea how beautiful this city could be.

  5. Dan Daily on August 12, 2014 at 4:21 pm said:

    You can ignore citations. Especially, if it’s regarding city property between the curb and sidewalk. Paying a fine is an admission of guilt. Never pay a fine or fee for on or off your property without an appeal into circuit court. The case is dismissed because city ordinances do not comply with state civil procedures. Zoning, like Parks, considers itself separate from the city. You’ll get lots of harassment but they have no authority. They’re disgusted with themselves. They work for the city because they can’t make it in the private sector. It’s better than we supporting them on welfare. It helps if they issue a piece of paper and feel important. Otherwise, they’d realize how little they matter.

  6. anominous on August 12, 2014 at 9:14 pm said:

    The further ironic pointlessness of it all, is that the city can build a new roundabout and plant it full of prairie grass and tall flowers which completely obscures the safe view of oncoming traffic.

  7. 85th stuckee on August 12, 2014 at 11:18 pm said:

    Isn’t it wonderful to have a bunch of morons at city hall claiming to be experts on everything, the old adage, don’t do as I do, do as I say is getting old in this town. When they can’t stop the real criminals and make criminals out of all of us to generate fees for Government, then its time for the legacy of MMM and the rich developers to go and be forgotten. I hope next election that the voters wake up and we get a council that will stop with the greed and lies when it comes to the future development of this city. They are doing long term damage to us all. Most of the rest of the council are morons too.

  8. Dan Daily on August 13, 2014 at 8:38 am said:

    It’s no wonder a third of city employees live out of town where they’ll not be harassed by zoning and can live free in a democratic suburb. Sioux Falls has become full of Lloyd built slum apartments. Besides city corruption there’s crime and drugs. It’s become no place to raise children. It’s time for more Ronning tract homes in Tea, Harrisburg, or Brandon. Interest rates are low, SD housing assistance makes it possible, and developers don’t have to deal with the unrealistic planning and zoning. You’ll not have a Walmart next door and your kids can enjoy a new outdoor pool that’s not crowded. Corruption could lead to a mass migration.

  9. Poly43 on August 13, 2014 at 9:28 am said:

    Looks like an emergency snow route. If it is, nothing will grow there but weeds. Grass? Not a chance, unless the homeowner wants to purchase new turf every year.

  10. anominous on August 13, 2014 at 12:49 pm said:

    Can somebody at the city or parks board please ever answer who was responsible for overseeing the planting of hempseed all around the perimeter of the newly built Arrowhead Park a few years ago? Never did see any press cover that one.

  11. 85th stuckee on August 13, 2014 at 9:18 pm said:

    Damn anominous, there be hemp growing at Arrowhead park???? I bet the great and powerful MMM and Fiddle Faddle are going to spring legalizing pot on us next. In Colorado the going rate is about $1000 bucks an ounce. That might just get our sorry butts out of debt after MMM gets done with the build everything at NO COST. COOOOL MAN LOL

  12. Ol'Bubbleguts on August 14, 2014 at 7:17 am said:

    Aninomous (sp)
    plant it full of prairie grass and tall flowers

    They used to do this all over NJ PITA,….great you cant see the little rice burner with a 6″ fart can muffler Tokyo Drift on it blasting thru the on ramp preparing to fail to merge.

    In Art and Labor and more than a million miles under my belt (have I gone around the Earth yet?)
    Sorry my posts are not nice to look at I have larger than normal fonts on linux.I make everything fit in the text box and when I submit it comes out looking all busted up.

  13. Dan Daily on August 14, 2014 at 9:02 pm said:

    It’s no wonder Huether lives in Madison. He’s not smart but doesn’t have to be to know any improvements to your home require a major fee or fine to the city. Rule of thumb: If you want to move up, move out of town.

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