Notice how Alan says “. . . you are not alone, you are not trying to achieve anything by pure human effort . . .”

This was a direct snark on what Amanda had said in her invocation. To each their own I guess. Hurry up and get your FREE ticket to the LL Music festival.


2 Thoughts on “The Anti-Humanist Secularist Invocation

  1. Randall on August 18, 2014 at 11:29 am said:

    Gee… a petty, cheap-shooting Christian, who could’ve seen that coming?

  2. Yeah, the ONE time an atheist does the invocation at the city council meeting (Which BTW has gotten international attention, mostly positive) and they are quit to slap it down and try to discount what was said. I have never understood why Christians feel so threatened by secularists? He even goes as far to say the pledge of allegiance is a prayer. Why do Christians have to lie to justify their beliefs?

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