By l3wis

4 thoughts on “Rabbits and Deer”
  1. If you have an intelligent question, don’t ask Huether. If you address the council bring talk bubbles to paste to their cardboard cutouts. Hey, ask Sodapop. Worth a try! I’ll bet he’ll get after rabbits & deer.

  2. Soda brought a dead rabbit to me the other day that was stiff as a board with dried diarhea out of it’s ass.

  3. To you it’s gross. To a dog it’s a special gift. The mayor misunderstands when the homeless leave excrement under his window as a gift.

  4. I was mowing the lawn at my moms house on grange down the street from 41st street. You know you can just barely see costco. its a busy intersection and its a hell hole of traffic. But since you can barely see costco as a 80k sqft building its pretty good, the zoning took care of RS homes being protected as Shape Places and the “old 1983 zoning” said it should be. so why at 85th and Minn do they want a frckn walmart 200k sq ft ugly building amid RS houses and professional office buildings to be the norm, and as Cooper said last year they will TRY AND GET IT RIGHT NEXT TIME. WTF is that all about. Is it because the city planner screwed up or did MMM tell him he screwed up to make sure the 2% sales tax was obtained. Why does the state DOT think the city boundary will be at county road 106(TeaRoad) for the southern expansion of Sioux Falls but all we have seen from the 2035 plan is that Corridor 100 will be the city limit, Who the hell is lying. Mr Walmart, build the damn thing at the corner of 106 and Minn ave and have plenty of access from the interstate for trucks and your shoppers. Its like Alvine essentially said in a editorial in the Argus earlier this year, Walmart needs to be a better citizen and not want to build next to RS homes.

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