
I have suggested recently to a city councilor that complaints should be filed on a form at the code enforcement office or an online form. You must write the violation you think exists, YOUR NAME, address and phone number. I think the ANON complaint system leaves room for abuse and harrassment and it is unconstitutional to have an ANON witness. If someone chooses to appeal a code violation, the complaintant should have to appear at that appeal hearing as a witness to the alleged violation.

When speaking to a councilor about it, I compared it to being a witness to a car accident. There is a good possibility that you would have to appear in court.

Enough of the anon tattle-tale system. Put your big boy pants on, and own up.

4 Thoughts on “Code Enforcement out of control

  1. What was the Council member’s response?

  2. Titleist on September 13, 2014 at 8:24 pm said:

    Speaking of big boy pants and owning up, how about your boy Emmett Reistroffer getting arrested for flipping out about his car being towed for unpaid traffic tickets?

    Keep it real.


  3. Dan Daily on September 14, 2014 at 8:52 pm said:

    For the city, constitutional law is a nuisance. You have the right to face your accusers. You have the right to appeal. Both are denied by city process. They deny you your rights and do not conform with state civil procedures. City government is not democracy.

    The next time you elect a city official and they take the oath ‘to protect & defend the constitution’, realize it’s their first and worst lie.

  4. I think they will continue the anonymous tell-talers anyway because if they change to requiring identifications, the reportings probably will cut by 90% (my guess) and thus reducing revenues for the city.

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