
A few weeks back, AL reporter John Hult wrote an article about how the State Fair was not recycling. While I thought that needed to be reported, I emailed John and reminded him that many restaurants throughout Sioux Falls don’t recycle (besides cardboard and cooking oil).

If you don’t believe me, just drive around and look into restaurant dumpsters. Not to mention, I have worked in the industry on and off over the past 20 years in Sioux Falls. One place I worked at used to go through a lot of aluminum cans (soda) and didn’t recycle them. A couple of employees, including myself even offered to recycle them for them, and they refused.

There are two reasons I don’t understand why restaurants don’t recycle;

First off, it is very easy. With single stream it is not hard to train employees that aluminum, glass and plastic go in this container and food waste, etc. go in this one.

Secondly, after the city required haulers to have less recycled materials in their landfill loads, you would think they would put pressure on the restaurants to recycle.

I think the city’s sanitation department needs to work with haulers and restaurants to recycle more. While they are concerned about the appearance of private trash cans at city hall, they don’t seem to be too concerned about SF largest retail industry, hospitality not recycling.

5 Thoughts on “Recycling in Sioux Falls

  1. You’re right Scott! Just because we have the space for landfills doesn’t mean we should use it. I wish I could recycle everything.

  2. I know of bars that don’t recycle.

  3. James, I think it is pretty much about 90% of them that don’t. I am surprised our larger haulers in town who have incentive programs for private residences to recycle don’t do this with restaurants. I am also surprised that our major recycle plant doesn’t encourage it also.

  4. I hope they haven’t just noticed this! Sioux Falls’ recycling efforts began 25 years ago. Many apartment buildings don’t have a plan either. Individuals jus have to get with the program and do it!

  5. Dan Daily on September 16, 2014 at 11:22 am said:

    Perhaps the wrong siding on the events center could be recycled to offset the price of the right material.

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