It is the only word I can use to describe the Mayor’s recent proposal;

One thing that sparked Mayor Huether’s interest was a penny sales tax that brings in additional revenue.

“Now, you need voter approval of course. It needs to be for a specific project. And yes, there has to be an end date in terms of when this funding or sales tax would stop,” Huether said.

Williston recently completed a sales tax increase that raised money for parks and $70 Million for a new recreation center.

Williston is now working with the state to create a new sales tax that would be split between the city and county. Something that Huether believes could benefit our area as well.

“I thought that was very intriguing. You’re hearing from the folks here in Minnehaha County how they’re burdened with the boom town of Sioux Falls. The city is growing and flourishing, doing quite well. And you’ve got the county of course that has to take care of some of the social needs, some of the social ills that come along with that growth,” Huether said.

We need to raise taxes in Sioux Falls!?

Are you f’ing kidding me?!

The problem with the county’s budget has NOTHING to do with revenue stream, it has to do with state law. We don’t need to raise sales taxes to fund them, we need to change state law so the 2nd penny, or at least alcohol taxes can be shared with them.

There’s a history lesson here folks. When the 2nd penny was initially introduced, it was for roads and was only supposed to be used for a limited time. That ship sailed, it is still here and it is used on everything from pickleball courts to dog parks. What’s more important to you? A fair and well managed county judicial system or pickleball?

Let’s also look at when they raised the 2nd penny to .08 six years ago. Supposed to go towards arterial roads, that plan has been a bust and in the meantime the city has collected around $30 million dollars in which they have just tucked away or used on other projects. Which is fine, but the intent of the increase was based on a bald-faced lie. What I am saying is the city doesn’t exactly have a very good track record when it comes to following through with it’s promises.

Also, take into account the city changed water/sewer over to enterprise funds. This gave them an excuse to raise our rates so they could fix infrastructure. Guess what? The 2nd Penny CIP money is supposed to be used for that, there is NO reason they had to raise our rates. The problem is the money  is being spent on bond commitments and entertainment so the city had to find infrastructure money someplace else. Raise Rates (taxes).

Make no mistake, this city is FLUSH in extra money, we could easily give the county 25% of our 2nd penny, and wouldn’t even scratch us.

Like I said above it is time for a change in law, not a sales tax increase. Not to mention sales taxes have proven to be the most regressive form of taxation in the nation.

It has to be one of the most selfish, ignoramus things this mayor has EVER suggested, he should be ashamed of even suggesting it.

15 Thoughts on “OUTRAGEOUS!

  1. SF Resident on September 18, 2014 at 1:47 pm said:


    I hope someone is keeping track…, that “the good folks” of South Dakota are reminded of this when Mike runs for his next political office whatever that turns out to be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. anominous on September 18, 2014 at 3:57 pm said:

    Somebody probably told the mayor there are massive deposits of fryer oil under the streets of Sioux Falls.

  3. As I read it – the mayor’s proposal is similar toy yours. He says that North Dakota allows COUNTIES to impose an extra penny tax. I.E., the SAME THING as you saying state law needs to change so that the extra penny is “shared” with the county.

    Sheesh – sometimes I wonder if you ever audit your own thoughts. Oh, that’s right – your not a scientologist.

  4. Dan Daily on September 18, 2014 at 9:16 pm said:

    The county but is 60 million while the city is 6 times more (360 million). The city has 400 million in debt while the county has none. Give the city more and they’ll spend much more increasing the debt to half a billion.

    It’s time to control spending and keep present tax rates.

    It’s time to petition for a county and city merged government. More commissioners and no councilors? The city uses the county jail & the county handles welfare. The county is a better money manager and can cure city indebtedness.

  5. Enough of shape places and legacy of MMM on September 18, 2014 at 9:28 pm said:

    I bet he wants to do frickn or frickan in van eps park and be just like Williston

  6. Ruf, What the heck are you talking about? You need to re-read.

    – I don’t approve of a 3rd penny tax for the County.

    – I do approve of sharing the 2nd penny we already collect with the county.

    Not that difficult to understand.

  7. Don’t really have a dog in this fight anymore but I do find the logistics of taxation in South Dakota to be fascinating. Property taxes, by most standards, are middle of the road in South Dakota. There’s no income tax. Because there’s no income tax, there’s little that the state can provide counties in the way of a shared revenue system.

    As you’ve noted, the sales tax tends towards regressivity, and in South Dakota that’s compounded by the lack of an exemption for food. Of course, if you exempt food, you’d need to raise the sales tax rate or find an alternative source of revenue, which is unlikely in the present political climate.

    All of which to say that counties with more people than cattle (I think South Dakota has three of those) are screwed. South Dakotans, based on their ballots, seem to believe that you can support an entire state through a sales tax (regressive), property tax (regressive, as it’s implemented in South Dakota), and narrowly-targeted taxes like the bank franchise tax (which is susceptible to wild fluctuations depending on the economy).

    That’s not a workable model.

    So while publications that pander to millionaires see some awesome place to live and do business, I see a state with two actual metropolitan areas that will both continue to struggle providing social services (often dictated by unfunded or underfunded state mandates) while attempting to make themselves livable in a way that encourages their bright and talented young people to stay in the community and not flee for the Twin Cities, Omaha, Kansas City, etc.

    I’d be inclined to think that there’s merit to Dan’s suggestion of a merged city/county government. Frankly, I’d consolidate Minnehaha and Lincoln counties and all of the municipalities therein. I think regional approaches to urbanization almost always lead to the most intelligent growth patterns, and those two counties are filled with nothing but bedroom communities otherwise. But that defeats the ability of the south-siders to benefit from living near Sioux Falls but not really having to pay for the costs – they think that’s Minnehaha County’s problem.

    It’ll be interesting to see how this unfolds. But the state can’t keep expecting what it does of Minnehaha County without giving them the tools to raise the revenue to do it.

  8. Grammared on September 19, 2014 at 9:51 am said:

    Just read the rufusx comment, it would be nice if when commenting proper use of ‘your’ and ‘you’re’ was used The ‘your not a scientologist’ vs ‘you’re not a scientologist’ shows a lack of concern for accuracy on your part?

  9. DL – read state law – currently COUNTIES don’t get even ONE penny sales tax – they get ZERO. Nowhere near a “THIRD” penny – you gotta get ONE first, and then a SECOND.

    Not that difficult to understand indeed.

  10. When you’re talking COUNTY taxation – you’re talking OUTSIDE the city limits.

    Re: Dan’ “merger” idea. This was something that was kicked around in the Local Governments group in the “Sioux Falls Tomorrow” process. You know 0 the one that was derided as useless – outsiders forcing their ideas – etc. HERE.

    Break off the city (+current projected growth area) as it’s own county. Merge the remainder of Lincoln and Minnehaha counties as a new county.

  11. Ruf, are you mixing your angry pills with your stupid pills today? What did I say in the post;

    “Like I said above it is time for a change in law, not a sales tax increase.”

  12. Dan Daily on September 19, 2014 at 11:52 am said:

    The city/county merger is an idea. It’d be easier than politics associated with cutting up counties into city limits. A bigger local government would be harder for millionaire developers to buy politicians. There would be more constitutional adherence plus restored ‘checks & balances’. We could see democracy and (hopefully) replace this cleptocracy.

  13. “Break off the city (+current projected growth area) as it’s own county. Merge the remainder of Lincoln and Minnehaha counties as a new county.”

    Unless one is way into sprawl, that’s not such a hot idea. First, one can never fully anticipate growth patterns – look at the issues that have been raised on the south side between the Walmart and the rezone a mile or two west from mixed-use to multi-family residential.

    Second, you need the surrounding area in the same tax district otherwise it encourages wealth to flee from the high-tax urban area to the lower-tax suburban and exurban area. And we know that’s precisely what affluent people will do – it’s a pattern all across America. Most want the economic and lifestyle benefits of urban proximity but none of the social costs that go along with it. Harrisburg, Tea, Brandon, Hartford, etc. all rely in no small part on Sioux Falls to drive their own fate. They’re free riding already.

    But in terms of a middle ground, Sioux Falls at least benefits from not being boxed in by other municipalities. It’s got free reign to claim most anything it wants via annexation. It does, and it should.

    Given the growing demands on county government to provide mandated services and their overall lack of revenue options, it’s a problem that’ll force itself to the front of the room in the not-so-distant future.

  14. Grammared – yeah – this is a mostly read by a few transplanted to the city rednecks private blog. If this were a serious – or even a widely read publication…….. As is – not a significant issue.

    Precisely DL – now you’re getting it – THAT ( a need for a change in the state law) is PRECISELY what the mayor is saying as well. Realize it or not – YOU AGREE!!

  15. The mayor is saying that counties in SD should be allowed to do what counties in ND can do – impose a sales tax. Only one way to do that – change state law.

    I know, I know – you’re so focused on attacking the mayor – you can’t even see. That’s not my fault – or the mayor’s fault. That’s all on you.

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