
Me in front of the ‘EGO SIGNAGE’

My first impression is that It’s very plain, and design elements don’t match up going from lounges to seating. It was to be expected. A facility like this should have cost us around $200 million, we built it on the cheap, and we got what we paid for. Now the only people benefitting are the bond salespeople.

Yes, I am a cynic, but I am also a person who has worked in construction, art and design, I notice things. The flow of the building is disjointed, and you can tell it was built FAST.

I also noticed lots of cracks in the Terezzo flooring on the second level, it could mean the under structure was not supported correctly or level. Some of the cracks are over 20 feet long and span over different sections.

The biggest disappointment is the signage font is Helvetica. Mainly this bothers me because it would not have cost anymore to buy a different font (or maybe it did) One of the first things you learn in design school is that Serif fonts read better then San-serif fonts (Like Helvetica) and they look better. I would have gone with Garamond instead of Helvetica.


Other then that, I wasn’t impressed. Of course I voted against the place and still think it is gigantic waste of tax dollars when only a few will benefit.

But the biggest disappointment was that T Denny wasn’t even there for the ribbon cutting. Call him modest, whatever. His go to BOY Dana Dykhouse said, (paraphrasing) “Denny hasn’t bought Caribbean islands or NFL teams, he has given over a billion dollars to the state.” Right after that, a friend leans into me and says, “He bought a city.” Yes he did.

We will wait for the Joan Jett concert to give my next review.

27 Thoughts on “Events Center Grand Opening

  1. Prejudice is ugly.

  2. is comfort zone what they call the toilets?

  3. Of all the great inspiring oratory they could have put on the wall, they put that quote from the mayor? Ugh.

  4. Cory – Ironically he had a great quote by Theodore Roosevelt in his comments at the ribbon cutting;

    “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

    But I am pretty sure Theo was talking about war and not building $100 million dollar shrines of entertainment.

    I’m glad that quote from MMM is there, it will remind people every time they walk into the building who suckered us into building this place. He owns it.

  5. Ruf, yes it is, yes it is.

  6. Taxpayer on September 20, 2014 at 9:37 am said:

    T. Denny Sanford

    He bought a city.

    And, it is what makes many long-time residents of Sioux Falls very sad.

    Makes those Minnesotans who sent him packing not once, but twice, look very smart indeed.

  7. Dan Daily on September 20, 2014 at 9:51 am said:

    It stands for the biggest ego for the worst mayor and proof that one man can buy a major size city.

  8. anonymous on September 20, 2014 at 9:54 am said:

    Today’s AL

    A total of 5,008 people came to see Sioux Falls’ new $117 million events center. They heard a tearful speech from Mayor Mike Huether…..

    Hardly a rousing turnout in a city of 160,000…..

  9. counter? on September 20, 2014 at 11:57 am said:

    where was the counting system to know such an exact number?

  10. Man, when you posted that the first time I thought it was just on some kind of placard stuck on an easel. That shit’s actually on the wall? Talk about a fat load of hubris. He makes it sound like spending public money on an arena is something akin to winning at Gettysburg. What a dick.

  11. enough of Shape Places and MMM legacy on September 20, 2014 at 3:20 pm said:

    He’s tearful thinking about when the shit hits the fan on all the debt. Maybe only 117 mil for the building, but wait til they have the clear path that good old SHape Places has given the developers urban development directly to the west and clear out what is left of West Soo. Won’t that be a hoot when those families have to go and rent an apt from Huether, can’t lose can he. Maybe the council should pass a regulation to keep profits made by a sitting mayor. He clearly has not thought of the city taxpayers when the crocodile tears flow.

  12. enough of Shape Places and MMM legacy on September 20, 2014 at 3:22 pm said:

    I meant to add that the urban development will be for the parking lots that somehow weren’t part of the EC, they were for the plans downtown.

  13. enough of Shape Places and MMM legacy on September 20, 2014 at 5:12 pm said:

    I was in the place not too long ago, the punch list has to be pages. Since attorney Fiddle Faddle had to show up for the siding issue, little thing to the tune of $30mil , I’m sure one of our idiot city people, ie elected Mayor had to have commited what is called a Constructive Change Order in contract law, or that’s what they used to call it in places like Huetherville word play or OMG I said that, no he did.

  14. Jeebus, I have never seen such a public case of overcompensation in my life. I’m surprised he doesn’t drive a full-sized pickup with a giant lift kit and gun rack or ride around on a Harley while wearing a leather jacket…

  15. I went to the open house and left very impressed with the center. Despite all the negative angry reaction from other posters, I believe that it will prove to be very successful. I’ve lived in a number of cities and none of them regret building an event center. I did leave early, however, because the noise (that some would call music) drove me out.

  16. anonymous on September 21, 2014 at 7:14 am said:

    Better known as the Napoleon complex.

  17. where was the counting system to know such an exact number?

    Same counter they use for any of the dozens of DT beer fests we have each year. Same counter they’ll use when we have “sold” out events with half the seats empty.

  18. anominous on September 21, 2014 at 9:57 am said:

    It kind of reminded me of being in the Arena.

  19. hmr59 – you forgot the loud exhaust, truck nutz and the affliction clothing.

  20. What an ego this mayor has, hey Mike have you done anything for labor yet.

  21. …..and two years later, still no development around this entity. Well – unless you count the DMV moving out there, the hotel that the city is going to build on Elmwood golf course to replicate development, or I think, a mattress firm place at Russell and Minnesota. Restaurants have opened and closed, once again, in this area in the last two years. Why? Because this area is not made for parking or pedestrian traffic. If you look at other places (Lincoln, NE, Sioux City, IA, Des Moines, IA, St. Paul, MN – basically everywhere in the Midwest except us) these places are successful for their communities because they have a pedestrian traffic that will flock from other entities (hotels, bars, restaurants) and businesses to that facility. We do not have that and we will never have that.

    I did visit the facility with my kids. We are excited that it will be a better facility for sports – but outside of that – it is too small for the concerts we would pay good money for.

    I guess if people are happy just to have the facility – then I guess it is a success. And from what I hear on the street – that seems to be enough which I think is disappointing. This facility needed a forward thinking mentality – not a build it and we’ll see if it works out mentality.

    As far as the quote – there are no words. Being humble is something we have lost touch with in this community.

  22. bones bbq will be opening soon. that will be new. although, it only takes up half the old happy chef, and about 5 other resteraunts have failed there. i’m sure mmm, kelby, dykhouse and the rest of sioux falls’ elite will be eating there even when there are no events going on. it should also be added, that the new gas station replaces the old gas station, so that shouldn’t really be considered “new”. the hotels around the premiere palace are most likely to be rented by drug dealers and cops looking to bust guys looking for under age sex. so yeah, out of towers will really want to stay there. i would also bet the rollin’ pin will be packed with customers before and after the joan jett concert. so quit bitching and get a job waiting tables. you will make minerva’s-type tip money!

  23. Enough of shape places and legacy of MMM on September 22, 2014 at 10:10 pm said:

    Thanks karma.
    You hit the nail on the head That’s why I like the target center in mpls. You can park in the market area and wine and dine to the center. If this was downtown we could have done it too. But the jerks such as mmm will boot families from across western to make his sob story complete. Sad isn’t it. We’ve all started to see the articles about the low housing prices on kelo and argus for certain neighborhoods then by word play from Jeff Schmitt we see a flip and a flop and then shape places will allow the urban development and the neighborhood can only watch it be demolished just like around Sanford Funny how argus and kelo get the notice to start the city agendas and they don’t question anything

  24. We will wait for the Joan Jett concert to give my next review.

    I refuse to step a foot into the place. Have heard from people who showed up over the weekend that concession prices are steep. Like $80 for .750 liter bottle of Captain Morgan. If you’re going to be there Lewis, how bout a more in depth analysis of concession prices.

  25. Well at the open house the beertender told me they were charging half price on the beers, $3 for a 12 OZ tap, so I’m guessing $6 normally. I bet cocktails will be in that $7-8 range. We may have to hit Jonos first before drinking there.

  26. 13wis,we got multiple places to hit in that area besides jonos to get your swerve on, bdubs, log cabin, waterhole, sport bowl to name a few! As far as having your favorite beverage on the shelf, that maybe a crap shoot , I know the sport bowl has a huge supply of captain Morgan on hand and great specials on them if you can throw the rock!

  27. ….bdubs, log cabin, waterhole, sport bowl to name a few!

    Certainly well rounded choices for suite holders before the REALLY BIG SHOW.

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