11 Thoughts on “Nielson to release polling soon.

  1. Interesting that the AL endorsed Larry Pressler for US Senate.

  2. So did the RJC, and they ripped Rounds a new one.

    Funny how they both pick 3rd place to wash their hands.

    The Argus; Rick is too Liberal
    The RJC; Rick is too young

    Whatever, Pressler has memory issues, that doesn’t concern them?

  3. Mike Rounds seems to have some memory issues of his own….esp when it comes to anything regarding EB-5 and Joop Bollen!

  4. A little off topic, but then there is Daugaard who makes repairs on the Governor’s Mansion(in his dreams.)

  5. Bill Fleming on November 3, 2014 at 4:30 am said:


    Interesting discrepancy here on Amendment Q, don’t you think, Scott? Neilson has it winning, KELO has it tanking.
    It’s a head scratcher.

  6. Even the Yes On Q people say their polling is better, I think that one could go either way. I voted NO, but don’t really care either way.

  7. Dan Daily on November 3, 2014 at 10:23 am said:

    I wonder whether polling is accurate. Hardly anyone has a land line phone. Cell phones are unpublished. Shopping centers are more teens than voters. Most people pay their bills online or autopay. They don’t check their mail often.

    I’m expecting some surprise polls versus the election.

    I have to say I respect Pressler. The prime parties attacked him. He answered. Rounds nor Weiland had no comeback. I’m debating between Weiland & Pressler but leaning toward Pressler. He’s proven he’s honest. It’s something rare in congress. Johnson has mental challenge (mostly speech) but he’s better represented us. Pressler has an aging mind but he’s not corrupt and he’d serve ‘paying it forward’ to the next generation.

  8. rufusx on November 3, 2014 at 1:04 pm said:

    Dan – a vote for Pressler = a vote for Rounds. He has NO CHANCE. And if you think he’s not corrupt……. please – step away from the kool aid.

  9. The most effective anti-Pressler ad would’ve been “Larry Pressler–remember why you voted him out in the first place.”

  10. Don Coyote on November 4, 2014 at 8:34 am said:

    Tick-tock. It appears the clock has about run out for the Nielson Bros. Since they are a left leaning polling group, I can only surmise that the news is so bad for Wieland that they aren’t going to.

    The good news is gas prices are dropping so it’ll cost less to fuel that U-Haul for those leaving the State. I wonder if Corrina Robinson is gonna be the honorary wagonmaster? Eastward-ho pioneers! To the Land of Milk and Honey!

  11. Ha, I figured that several Dems will be leaving the State after today. Expect Crago to be one of them. Of course, he will be applauded for getting the Minimum Wage increased, he will take his accolades, put them on his resume (excluding that fact that he totally f’ckd the Democratic Party in SD) and off he goes.

    As for Nielson, as I understand it, the polling on the Senate race was done for a client. Not sure who? I know that one of the brothers is a staunch Republican, you never know, they may have shown Weiland a lot closer? I do know before they totally took down the poll, they had Howie at 5.4%

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