One Thought on “DECEMBER 5, 2007 – KAWINKY-DINK?

  1. timbenson on December 5, 2007 at 8:57 pm said:

    Thanks for pointing out the “obvious” developments in the East-River side of our state. The environment be damned! Nothing should impede Gov. Rounds’ revenue- enhancement efforts. To hell with land-owners’ rights. If they resist “progress,” simply condemn their land and declare eminent domain. Mere coincidence that a proposed pipeline from Canada would run a route through eastern South Dakota in the general direction toward a proposed refinery in southeastern South Dakota? I think not. Bush has proposed oil exploration in Alaska’s wildlife refuge, one of the last virgin frontiers in our country. Bush and Cheney also suggest a possible military action against oil-rich Iran to quell a possible buildup of weapons of mass destruction. North Korea poses a greater nuclear threat to our country. However, they lack oil fields, so that threat to our country is relegated to the back burner. Our gluttony in consuming gas and oil is dictating our country’s foreign policy. Jimmy Carter said, in the late 70’s, the U.S. would be vulnerable to the Middle East if we continued to resist conservation efforts to limit our need for foreign oil supplies. He lost the ’80 election to Reagan because of this stance. However, we are in a precarious position today because we didn’t take his advice nearly 30 years ago.

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