Ann Tornberg will be the next SD Democratic party chair with Joe Lowe acting as vice chair. I think it will be a good East & West team for the party. Joe is a real go getter and is cut out for this kind of work, Ann is too, and very intelligent. She understands the games Republicans play.

I think Jeff Barth would have been a good chair, but I was concerned about the overt partisanship it would have presented with him serving on the County Commission. While I think it is fine to chair your county party or act as a delegate or precinct member in your respective parties as commissioners or city councilors, I think a line needs to be drawn with chairs.

Good Luck Dems, you are gonna need it.

3 Thoughts on “Tornberg & Lowe win Democratic Party chair

  1. judy judy on December 13, 2014 at 9:43 pm said:

    Lowe is slime. After enticing Barth into running for Democratic State Chair with the promise of West River support, Lowe quickly changed sides as soon as Tornberg offered him the Vice-chairmanship and the prospect of a west river job. Lowe slithered to the stage like a snake caught outside its lair.

    This corrupt bargain has all the promise of success as the fantasy of 2014 Democratic electoral success the party staff and the outgoing party chairwoman painted for two days while systematically suppressing any discussion disturbing their narrative and pointing at reality.

  2. Ol'Bubbleguts on December 14, 2014 at 1:38 pm said:

    Wimmin are all wrong to run politics,reason:no balls
    or it goes to other end of the spectrum PMS act like nasty 14 year olds.

    In Art and Labor and Flat punctured tires/broken windshields.

  3. Winston on December 15, 2014 at 1:42 am said:

    Religious quotes on government snowplows and no reproductive rights for women…. is that really what we want the South Dakota Democratic Party to be all about?… Do we?

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