Here is a letter to the editor in the Argus Leader about the recent flier ban by the SF school district:

There are statistics all over the place about the correlation of extra-curricular activities for kids and their overall health and about how the inclusion in sports and other youth activities is inversely related to crime and school absenteeism. However, the school board is not concerned with the health of its constituents, and it is not concerned with the health and well-being of its constituents’ city. The school board is concerned with running and protecting the district. The kids, apparently, are secondary to that.

You nailed it with that one sentence. Homan could have solved the problem very quickly. She could have either reprimended or fired the communication director for failing to proof the school guide. Then she could have apologized and reassured us it will never happen again. Instead, as usual with Dr. Horse Farmer, she NEVER TAKES RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANYTHING, she calls in district attorneys and makes the school board make a very decision based on her mis-management. I suggest parents pressure the school board to FIRE Homan by taking up a petition.

What disappointed me most about the process the school board followed in adopting this new policy was the absolute disdain it appeared to have for those looking for some, any, alternative to stopping the distribution of these materials altogether. Publically, the board talked of partnering and working to find a solution. It asked for input and help in finding a way to continue the distribution. Privately, however, the board wanted none of it. From the first reading of this new policy, the school board had its collective mind made up, and no amount of input, cooperation or alternative ideas were going to get in the way.

Of course they did, they were worried about getting sued because instead of taking care of the problem internally, Homan passed the buck once again. She obviously gets paid too much if she can’t solve tiny little problems like this.

Bam. Unanimous decision. All done. No more access to the kids. The school board is, after all, smarter than the rest of us. It knows what’s best.

Perhaps it is and does. I mean, I certainly feel dumb right now. I voted for at least one of them.

I suggest you run for school board or recruit people who have the best interest of the kids in mind, and like I said earlier, get rid of Homan. Whether she will admit to it or not, she works for us. Her and Munson must be buds.

By l3wis