Local Guitar God Jesse Christen recently did an interview with 605 Magazine about his music and in the online story they linked this video of The Sneakies playing the Pomp Room in 1996. I think it was me at the beginning of the video, “Matt F’ckd up Again!” We used to give him a hard time about his Bass playing skills.

This was the last lineup of the band. Jesse Christen, Guitar – Russ Steadman, Guitar & Vocals – Bill Erickson, Drums & Lead Vocals, Matt ‘Sideshow’ Staab, Bass & Stage Tricks.


3 Thoughts on “A Blast from the Past, The Sneakies

  1. Thats the problem with The Clash. Every talentless moron thinks he can play like them.

  2. Johnny Roastbeef on January 3, 2015 at 2:36 pm said:

    LJL, that’s also the problem with opinions, every talentless moron that’s never done anything has one.

  3. Oh come on Johnny. Just once can you have an original thought?

    I’d write you some more ideas but I got to get to my Duran Duran rip off gig so I can say “I DID SOMETHING”!!


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