
The mayor graced the SF DT Rotary with a Q & A session where he covered many topics today. (argusleader video). Towards the end he said something I agree with 100%. He asked audience members to call his office so that they could clarify any ‘rumors’ they may have heard about the city while talking to their grandma (who reads SouthDacola). I couldn’t agree more, I encourage people to call the mayor’s office and ask him about anything you may read on my site. I know I have been asking those questions for a long time, and fail to get answers. Heck, during the Q & A someone asked him about the EC siding, and he answered it by saying he was advised not to talk about it.

He also touched on;

• The Railroad Relocation project, where he admitted that it may not be finished by the time he leaves office. The first time I have ever seen the mayor kick the can down the road.

• Plans for the new Spellerberg Indoor Aquatic Center will be presented to the public in 2 weeks. He gave a hint about some of the ammenities, you will be able to have a hot chocolate there.

• He referred to the City Attorney as ‘His’ attorney, then corrected himself by saying it was ‘Our’ attorney to, but admitted he uses him to. The city attorney’s main job actually is defending the city charter, the State and US constitution, not particular elected officials.

God Bless and Make it great Jesus Snowplow Day – And don’t forget, dispel those rumors!

10 Thoughts on “Mayor Huether at the Rotary 1/12/15

  1. My Mistake Mike on January 13, 2015 at 3:58 pm said:

    Plans for the Indoor Pool will be presented in two weeks?!?

    What happened to the Blue Ribbon Citizen Committee that was solicited for the process? I’ve seen no mention from the city of any appointments. BTW, rejection notices from the city went out just this morning to those who were NOT selected.

    Two weeks seems a pretty short window to put this plan together, (I said sarcastically).

  2. Better call Mike so he can dispel your rumors 🙂

  3. Why hasn’t there ever been a report on how and IF the possible problem of using Spellerberg Park for a City ran indoor pool. If I lived near that park I would be raising all kinds of cane about having an indoor pool anywhere near my residence.

  4. Oh Joan, there was a report . . .

  5. ALSO… it was the first time I heard Ol Mike say if…. when talking about the RR relocation. Never before have I heard him say IF about this project. Makes me think it’s now a long shot.

    He knows he can’t get money from the taxpayers on this so he will have to find funds elsewhere. My guess is he’s been asking the Thune folks for a meeting with hopes of another BIG GOV hand out.

    The RR has some clever folks on their payroll. All the while they’ve been setting hurdles and watching the mayor chase his tail. I’m quite certain that the price tag is not the last hurdle. It’s a waiting game and the RR is winning because the mayor will soon be out of time.

  6. will the sheriff’s wife get to run the hot chocolate stand too?

  7. Dan Daily on January 14, 2015 at 9:23 am said:

    Huether has abandoned the RR relocation project because he can’t award construction contracts without competitive bids before the end of his term. He gained side consideration from the EC because he steered contracts without bids. The remainder of his term will be focused on where he can lead public money. The council has no power. Strong mayor can spend into indebtedness oblivion awarding inflated work to insiders. He’ll force the aquatics center and the south end of Spellerburg (sled hill) will become the indoor tennis center.

  8. Poly43 on January 14, 2015 at 2:57 pm said:

    Speaking of mmm. What do you all think of his political chances are at any office outside the one he now rules from? I think ZERO. His press secretary, whitney, is takin an ass whooping from his last two articles. First, we’re way above the rest of the towns in this state, so we should host every damn high school event that comes along. He got whipped on that one, then comes back today ridiculing Aberdeen. Guess he’s a wanna be martyr. Articles and responses like he’s getting should be a huge red flag for our wannabe governator.

  9. Yeah, I don’t even watch sports, but Stu’s batting average right now isn’t good, even though I did like his Tuthill story. As I told a councilor today, no ridicule on the police, but they do owe us an explanation, and an internal investigation was BS.

  10. 13, I must have missed the report.

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