
This face is ‘too nice’ to be a politician

As a long time Democrat active in the party told me yesterday, “Highly unlikely.”

Their reasons were straight forward, he will make a lot of cashola with his new job and will probably never look back.

I tend to agree with them that he will probably not run either in 2016. After watching so many Democrats over the past 8 years fall on the sword for the party, I just don’t think Brendan has the stomach to lose against Ironic Johnny or Noemless.

And who would want to be a Democratic governor in a state ran by Republicans?

Also, I don’t think Brendan has the makings of a politician, he’s just too ‘nice’. If we are going to beat the Republicans in 2016 and beyond, we need a real Democratic Ass(hole) to finally expose and tell the truth about how GOP has been damaging our state for years. We need to start punching them in the face and kicking them in the ass.


5 Thoughts on “Will Brendan Johnson run for office?

  1. Bob Peel on February 19, 2015 at 4:19 pm said:

    If we need a real asshole Scott has was it takes.

  2. Winston on February 19, 2015 at 6:28 pm said:

    I agree that it would be very difficult for any Democrat to beat Thune or Noem, even for a Johnson.

    The Republicans have done a good job in shoring-up Noem with her appointment to the Ways and Means Committee and her bandwagon joining of the human trafficking issue. These two realities make it difficult for the Dems in SD in the short run against Noem.

    But allow me to throw this scenario out there, maybe Brendan knows federal indictments are coming-out soon over the EB-5 investigation and he wants to distance his tenure as DA from them for political reasons. Then, the indictments could conceivably cause Rounds to possibly resign from the Senate forcing the SDGOP to appoint a new senator who would then have to be re-elected for the remainder of Rounds’ term in 2016. A senate race Brendan could possibly win, while the Democrats would once again punt Thune’s re-election bid.

    Perhaps it is wishful thinking on my part, but it’s something to think about….?…. 😉

  3. Yes Bob, they wouldn’t be able to handle my ‘asshole-ness’.

    Winston, you have a point. At his PC he said he wouldn’t comment on an ongoing investigation.

  4. l3wis, exactly! He also sounded and looked good, like a candidate. He is not leaving quietly rather he’s leaving publicly.

    I hope it all works out for the good for him and the Party. It sure could make ’16 a lot of fun, but regardless I still do believe the Dems need to run someone against John Randolph Thune next year, however….. Who will it be?

  5. Beer Jew on February 20, 2015 at 5:31 pm said:

    I see this fella’s photo and he looks like an undertaker. Maybe a new pic would help?

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