I’m not the only one asking the question. Several public officials asked me if I had any insight 🙂 Besides Mike, Commissioner Bender was the only one that was not present with the two boards. Jean had a conflict of interest because her husband’s company has an appeal pending with the solar farm land, or something like that, ironically something I warned the Commission about when they were considering her for the commission, but hey, what do I know, I’m just a cranky blogger.

The mayor often calls himself a city councilor, and he should be available for tie-break votes. So why was he a no-show? Did he have a conflict of interest also? Bender fessed up with her conflict, will the mayor?

7 Thoughts on “Where was City Councilor Huether last night?

  1. On a different note, I was listening to Micheal Bender give his market report this morning, and he went on a mini-rant about hourly wage stagnation, and he feels in the next 20 years if something is not done there will be social unrest and a threat to our Republic. He referenced how since the 1970’s productivity has doubled in hourly employees but wages are at about 50% of where they should be for that production. I was glad to hear a local leader exclaim this to the governor and mayor sitting in the crowd. Of course he then backtracked and said that the state and city are helping to create jobs (he referenced the state worker training programs and the Events Center as job creators). I laughed about the EC reference, I guess part-time beer pourers who have to hide their tip jars are great job creation.

  2. Dan Daily on February 26, 2015 at 1:10 pm said:

    The city opposes anything eco-friendly, job producing, or profitable. It must be unnecessary coliseums, water features, or TIF subsidized slums. The solar project will happen as panels on an Indian reservation hidden from view by 10′ pot farm plants. You’ll hardly notice anything on the way to a new RV and gambling resort the city would (also) not allow.

  3. Dan, do you read what you right? At some point do you ever wonder if maybe it isn’t everybody else that’s different.

  4. Dan Daily on February 27, 2015 at 10:45 am said:

    Who is ME? If your comment had merit, you’d state your name.

  5. Dan Daily on February 27, 2015 at 10:51 am said:

    Huether doesn’t show because there’s no money left. I thought he’d clamp on to money delegated for the 12th Street bridge. There were no bidders. Thankfully, public works stepped in and reallocated the funds into deserving street projects before Huether spent it on more glam.

  6. A statement that has merit should have merit no matter whose name is behind it.

    The city opposes anything job producing and pot farms all the same comment from you. And you wonder why people think you are cuckoo for cocoa puffs.

    You damage you causes more then you help them.

  7. suckbuddies on July 19, 2015 at 7:55 pm said:

    Bender and Huether are suck buddies and almost everything bender does causes a conflict of interest for Huether.

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