
Kermit is asking for open government in Sioux Falls again and guess who doesn’t like it, again? Yup the old schoolmarm. She just doesn’t stop hating everything to do with open government. It’s as if we the people are too stupid or dense to understand the basics so she has to keep reminding us of her special place.

Kermit asks a very simple question about holding the super duper top secret Sioux Falls Park Board in the open in the Carnegie Town Hall so they could be broadcast for the Citylink viewers ability to watch.

Here we have a city department sucking and spending a major part of our city revenue with no oversight. We ask a question and they close down the meetings. The schoolmarm was once on the Park Board and still protects it from the Council. She still is so protective she doesn’t want Kermit to bring it up.

We also ask all to consider the questionably legal maneuver she has performed recently getting named to the Spellerberg Aquatics citizen committee. She got herself named to the committee to make decisions for her special interest then she turns around and votes as a councilperson on those very same proposals.

A few conflict of interest type issues to work out her and she does not want anyone to see it. Open government anyone? Next thing you know the schoolmarm will bring out her ruler to smack fingers for raising questions.

2 Thoughts on “Video tape Parks Board Meetings

  1. citizen Joe on March 5, 2015 at 6:48 pm said:

    It’s called accountability. I believe this board of non elected citizens oversees one of the largest department budgets in the city. All meetings should be recorded and broadcast. I am certain they will be able to find the money to do this. Michelle’s money issue is an attempt to find an excuse to oppose the transparency.

    Another idea is a requirement of the members to represent the different districts of the city as do the counselors. Currently, I believe, nearly all the members appointed by the mayor, live in the southeastern part of our city.

    Lastly, because these non elected board members oversee such large yearly expenditures and budget, maybe they should be elected so as to have even more accountable to the public as well.

  2. Dan Daily on March 6, 2015 at 8:10 am said:

    Remember that strong mayor has full and final say. This board is but an exhibit so that it seems there’s democracy. Erpenbach is an obstructionist that’s easy to walk around. Mike wants indoor play centers. The next mayor might pay attention to parks but this board will be easy to circumvent.

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