
We already have the other one covered.

The ‘Spamming’ of the new jobs website doesn’t surprise me. After the site was announced, I commented to a friend, “I wonder how long it will take before someone posts fake jobs?”

Didn’t take to long.

What surprises me that after we spent $24K for a website, you would think the spam filters would be stronger. My filters pick up about 1,000 spam comments a day. I physically moderate (delete) about 10 comments a day. So folks, this is why I moderate my comments, and no one pays me $24K a year to do it, we can always change that.


One Thought on “Wanted; Professional Bullshi . . . . ah, I mean, Bullrider

  1. Dan Daily on April 12, 2015 at 5:36 pm said:

    What is the mayor’s commission when he gets you a part time minimum wage fast food job?

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