Leave it to Nancy Naeve to break the news;
President Obama will visit South Dakota in May to deliver the 2015 commencement speech for Lake Area Technical Institute in Watertown.
The President told KSFY’s Nancy Naeve about the visit in an exclusive interview on Monday. South Dakota is the only state Obama has not visited since he took over the Oval Office.
Don’t get me wrong, I am happy President Obama is finally coming to South Dakota as our sitting president.
However, it is quite ironic that our state is his 50th as President when you consider that many politically talented South Dakota Democratic strategists and former pols were instrumental in helping him to secure the Democratic nomination in ’08 and his eventual win in the fall of that year.
Winston, ask Hildy’s opinion about Obama now, it’s strikingly similar to his opinion about Huether (another guy he formerly consulted for).
Obama had his impact. Healthcare is finding it’s way. He’s brought us out if the middleeast. Stand back and enter into religion oriented WW3 after everyone else. We thrived after WW2 because we entered late, avoided Russian casualty count, and became the principal industrial world power. It’s Obama legacy to be realized by 2020. What troubles me is dynasty format via Bush & Clinton. If we want anarchy, how about William & Kate of Windsor. Otherwise, let’s get back to democracy with other than a bigot such as Ron Paul.
I’m wondering if Staggers (resident historian) has input?
Lewis, I get-cha you, definitely.
But the irony speaks to how politics can produce results and reproduce results in ways that some cannot take credit for even though they are deserving of it not only as individual pols but as a whole as a political party.
It becomes not a question of whether the means justify the ends, rather it is a question of whether the ends can further the means for further affect…. and in this case the answer is”no.”
Well, “no” until the final two years of a incumbent Democratic presidency visiting a red state with purple state potential comes into play with the potential negative impact being much lessened.
Republican presidents do not seem to be as obsessed with this whole idea of a “Reunion Tour” of the 50 states before they leave office like Democratic Presidents do. I am not sure why this is. Well, I have my theories, but I do not care to venture into them right now. Clinton, too, did the same thing in December of 2000, when he intentionally visited Nebraska for the first time as President just a month before he left office.
Perhaps, the answer lies in the reality that Democrats tend to win elections through footwork and Republicans win elections through image.
Why in the world would a sitting president of the U.S. go to Watertown? He obviously reads nothing by lalley or whitney when it comes to the best little city in America. Afterall, any of our schools can whoop the Watertown Arrows, and we have an EVENT center, and we have a place for the pres to play indoor tennis after watching a sky force basketball game.
Poly, maybe he wants to see a town able to afford his visit?
Leaving all political comments aside, let’s be happy for the graduates that have the honor of having the President of the United States address their graduation. It’s not a little thing, and respect for the President and his office is due.
http://mix97-3.com/do-we-live-in-one-of-americas-most-dangerous-cities-2/Or EC….maybe this.
Or EC…maybe this.
#7 & #8 comments are good.
I’m thinking Obama doesn’t want to visit Sioux Falls because of the corruption, debt, and civil rights issues. I suspect he doesn’t want to be associated with a city that’s destined to become a federal court defendant. He’s interested in a home town that’s democracy, not Home Rule charter.
Basically, Obama doesn’t want to have to deal with Huether’s ego. It’s easier for him to autograph welders helmets than tennis balls.
Thank god he is going to Watertown instead of Sioux Falls.
Can you just imagine what Mike Huether would have to say if he were coming to SF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“It’s easier for him to autograph welders helmets than tennis balls.”
I’m waiting for Stu to proclaim that every graduation ceremonies in the state should be in that hallowed building where his heroes Bob Seger and Eagles played.
Maybe your mayor is going to buy a building or place a statute of himself so he can be part of the ceremony.
Should Sioux Falls become the location for the Huether Library after he’s become commander in chief and king of the United States?